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Thread: String manipulation ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    String manipulation ?

    I was given a script that was supposed to take a name field that was separated by commas and normalize it into last, first and middle name. My data looks like below in one fieldname called longname

    Lota Weilly,Eric,M

    My script to do this looks like

    update ailoca
    set last_name = substring (longname, 1, patindex( '%,%' , longname) -1 ),
    first_name = substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, patindex( '% %', longname)-patindex( '%,%' , longname)),
    middle_name = substring (longname, patindex( '% %', longname) + 1, len(longname)-patindex( '%,%' , longname))

    My problem is that some people actually have 2 last names, not hyphenated, but 2. Whenever I have 2 names I get the following error

    Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
    Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.
    The statement has been terminated.

    It seems to be related to the first name, I can comment out that update and it works


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New Jersey, USA
    What is the expected output?. Is it

    Last Name
    Lota Weilly

    First Name

    Middle Name

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    For the field longname with the values

    Lota Weilly,Eric,M
    I want
    lastname FirstName Middlename
    Crab Mike Allen
    Lota Weilly Eric M

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New Jersey, USA
    Try this

    update ailoca
    set last_name = (@longname, 1, patindex( '%,%' , @longname) -1 ),
    first_name = substring (substring (@longname, patindex( '%,%' , @longname) + 1, len(@longname) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname)), 1, patindex( '%,%' , substring (@longname, patindex( '%,%' , @longname) + 1, len(@longname) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname))) -1 ),
    middle_name = substring (substring (@longname, patindex( '%,%' , @longname) + 1, len(@longname) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname)), patindex( '%,%' , substring (@longname, patindex( '%,%' , @longname) + 1, len(@longname) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname))) + 1, len(substring (@longname, patindex( '%,%' , @longname) + 1, len(@longname) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname))) - patindex( '%,%' , substring (@longname, patindex( '%,%' , @longname) + 1, len(@longname) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname))))

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I replaced the @longname with the longname (the actual field name) and I get Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1,

    Line 2: Incorrect syntax near ','.

    Doesn't like the first line

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New Jersey, USA
    yeah, I forgot the substring

    update ailoca
    set last_name = substring(longname, 1, patindex( '%,%' , longname) -1 ),
    first_name = substring (substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname)), 1, patindex( '%,%' , substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname))) -1 ),
    middle_name = substring (substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname)), patindex( '%,%' , substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname))) + 1, len(substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname))) - patindex( '%,%' , substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname))))

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Unfortunately, I get the same error I was getting before

    Server: Msg 536, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
    Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.
    The statement has been terminated.

    for any record that has 2 last names

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New Jersey, USA
    Can you give example of records with two last names?. For the sample you provided before, it worked.

    I used variables and print statements to test

    declare @longname1 varchar(50)
    declare @longname2 varchar(50)

    set @longname1 = 'crab,mike,Allen'
    set @longname2 = 'Lota Weilly,Eric,M'

    print substring (@longname1, 1, patindex( '%,%' , @longname1) -1 )
    print substring (substring (@longname1, patindex( '%,%' , @longname1) + 1, len(@longname1) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname1)), 1, patindex( '%,%' , substring (@longname1, patindex( '%,%' , @longname1) + 1, len(@longname1) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname1))) -1 )
    print substring (substring (@longname1, patindex( '%,%' , @longname1) + 1, len(@longname1) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname1)), patindex( '%,%' , substring (@longname1, patindex( '%,%' , @longname1) + 1, len(@longname1) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname1))) + 1, len(substring (@longname1, patindex( '%,%' , @longname1) + 1, len(@longname1) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname1))) - patindex( '%,%' , substring (@longname1, patindex( '%,%' , @longname1) + 1, len(@longname1) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname1))))

    print substring (@longname2, 1, patindex( '%,%' , @longname2) -1 )
    print substring (substring (@longname2, patindex( '%,%' , @longname2) + 1, len(@longname2) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname2)), 1, patindex( '%,%' , substring (@longname2, patindex( '%,%' , @longname2) + 1, len(@longname2) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname2))) -1 )
    print substring (substring (@longname2, patindex( '%,%' , @longname2) + 1, len(@longname2) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname2)), patindex( '%,%' , substring (@longname2, patindex( '%,%' , @longname2) + 1, len(@longname2) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname2))) + 1, len(substring (@longname2, patindex( '%,%' , @longname2) + 1, len(@longname2) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname2))) - patindex( '%,%' , substring (@longname2, patindex( '%,%' , @longname2) + 1, len(@longname2) - patindex( '%,%' , @longname2))))

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    You are correct, with the print it works, however when I run an update it fails. If you make a quick table with
    4 fields all varchar(50) and call the fields longname,lastname,firstname,middlename, and then put in 2 records, one

    lincoln, abe l
    cronin tim, tom s

    it will fail on the update using your script. Perplexed why print works and update fails

    update table1
    set lastname = substring (longname, 1, patindex( '%,%' , longname) -1 ),
    firstname = substring (substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname)), 1, patindex( '%,%' , substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname))) -1 )
    ,middlename = substring (substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname)), patindex( '%,%' , substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname))) + 1, len(substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname))) - patindex( '%,%' , substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname))))

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New Jersey, USA
    It fails because you only have 1 comma in the new sample. You had 2 commas before.

    If you use

    insert into table1 (longname)
    values ('crab,mike,Allen')

    insert into table1 (longname)
    values ('Lota Weilly,Eric,M')

    It works fine. So you have to find out how many commas your data has, if they vary then this solution does not work.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    sorry actually the longname has
    one comma so it looks like
    cronin tim,tom shawn

    I actually found a semi solution that works, I strip out the last name and then put the first/middle in a field, and then strip it out again and put it in the first and middle. Would rather do in 1 pass, but needed a solution quick, thanks for the help

    update table1
    set lastname = substring (longname, 1, patindex( '%,%' , longname) -1 ),
    firstmi = substring(longname,patindex('%,%',longname)+1,len( longname))
    update table1 set
    firstname=substring(firstmi,1,patindex('% %',firstmi)-1),
    middlename=substring(firstmi,patindex('% %',firstmi)+1,1)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New Jersey, USA
    update ailoca
    set last_name = substring (longname, 1, patindex( '%,%' , longname) -1 ),
    first_name = substring(substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname)),1,patindex('% %',substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname)))-1),
    middle_name = substring(substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname)),patindex('% %',substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname)))+1,len(substring (longname, patindex( '%,%' , longname) + 1, len(longname) - patindex( '%,%' , longname)))-1)

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