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Thread: Empty string in char,varchar or text

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Boston, MA

    Empty string in char,varchar or text

    How wasteful is it to leave empty string in column with data type of char, varchar, text, etc...?

    I rather make them null rather than empty string for consistancy sake, but does empty string in text data type take up significant amount of memory,etc..?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    There are no memory issues with storing empty columns. I prefer to use Nulls for another reason however.

    Storing empty values can you give false results in a query. Two empty fields are considered to be equal but two null fields are not.

    Take this query for example:

    Select 1
    Where '' = '' -- <-- That's 4 single quotes, not 2 double quotes

    It will return 1 because it considers the two empty values to be equal. Change the = to <> or !=, and it returns 0 records.

    The following three queries, on the other hand, will always return 0 records:

    Select 1
    Where Null = Null

    Select 1
    Where Null <> Null

    Select 1
    Where Null != Null

    Here's a demonstration that shows how an empty field in a column used in a join can really mess you up!!!

    I'm setting nocount on so that the results are easier to read.

    Set nocount on

    Declare @test1 table (testfield1 varchar(10) null)
    Declare @test2 table (testfield2 varchar(10) null)
    Declare @test3 table (testfield3 varchar(10) null)
    Declare @test4 table (testfield4 varchar(10) null)

    -- The below inserts are using 2 single quotes, not 1 double quote
    Insert Into @test1 Values ('')
    Insert Into @test1 Values ('')
    Insert Into @test1 Values ('')

    Insert Into @test2 Values ('')
    Insert Into @test2 Values ('')
    Insert Into @test2 Values ('')

    Insert Into @test3 Values (Null)
    Insert Into @test3 Values (Null)
    Insert Into @test3 Values (Null)

    Insert Into @test4 Values (Null)
    Insert Into @test4 Values (Null)
    Insert Into @test4 Values (Null)

    Select count(*) As EmptyCount
    From @test1 As t1
    Inner Join @test2 As t2 On t1.testfield1 = t2.testfield2

    Select count(*) As NullCount
    From @test3 As t3
    Inner Join @test4 As t4 On t3.testfield3 = t4.testfield4

    Set nocount off

    The above queries return the following results:



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