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Thread: reading profiler data

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    reading profiler data

    Hi, am trying to analyze output of profiler

    I execute sp_sp_alex

    Profiler results

    CPU = 108
    READ = 0
    WRITE = 109
    DURATION = 1709

    code from sp_alex

    step 1
    read data from table A into cursor
    (500 rows)

    step 2
    fetch cursor and if values in cursor do not exixts in table B(has 1000000 rows) then insert cursor data into table B

    How I undestand result provided by profiler
    CPU = 108 good or bad ?
    READ = 0 good ,took no time read data ,all indexes in place
    WRITE = 109 mmm.... something really wrong with writing to disks , why it took so long to insert 500 records
    DURATION = 1709 good or bad ?

    How would you read profiler results ?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    The duration is in milliseconds, i think, so that query is taking 1.7 seconds to run, which isnt all that great, although I doubt it could be helped with 1 million rows. It also depends on what sort of server SQL is running on, but normally you would want to keep the duration under 1 second

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