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Thread: SELECT statement with Dynamic Column Name

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    SELECT statement with Dynamic Column Name


    I am trying to get a different COLUMN name(s) according to WHERE condition in a SQL SELECT statement. I am using SQL Server 2000.

    For e:g

    select [Name_A] from tblABC where ID = 5

    If I am passing ID = 6 then I need to get the column Name Name_B.

    According to ID, I need to select different Column and List all values.

    Anybody Help me to prepare a dynamic SQL statement for this task.

    Thanks in Advance,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    --you can create a view as in the below example

    use tempdb
    Create table x1 (id int , [Name_A] varchar(10), [Name_B] varchar(10),
    [Name_C] varchar(10), [Name_D] varchar(10))

    insert into x1 select 1,'a','a','ae','a2'
    insert into x1 select 4,'a1','la','fa','a2'
    insert into x1 select 5,'a2','ak','ga','a3'
    insert into x1 select 5,'a3','aj','ha','a4'
    insert into x1 select 5,'a4','ha','ja','a4'
    insert into x1 select 7,'a5','ga','ka','a5'
    insert into x1 select 6,'a6','af','la','a6'
    insert into x1 select 6,'a7','da',';a','a6'

    Create view x1_view as
    Select ID, ColumnX = case ID when 4 then [Name_A]
    when 5 then [Name_B]
    when 6 then [Name_C]
    when 7 then [Name_D]
    else NULL end
    from x1

    select * from x1_view where id =5
    5 ak
    5 aj
    5 ha

    select * from x1_view where id =6

    6 la
    6 ;a

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    or a simple select statement like below.

    declare @id int
    set @id =6
    Select ID, ColumnX = case ID when 4 then [Name_A]
    when 5 then [Name_B]
    when 6 then [Name_C]
    when 7 then [Name_D]
    else NULL end
    from x1 where id=@id

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