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Thread: Secondary table

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Secondary table

    MS SQL only, please. And thanks to those who have answered my other questions on other topics

    We need to create a secondary table with detailed descriptions of the item in our main database table, which includes a drawing besides text. WHERE do we start with this? Is this where a table key should be used?

    And in another area, we need to IMPORT a complete store into the main database and still be able to add to the imported data. This would most likely also include the use of the above secondary table as well.

    Any help appreciated much ! ! !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    TEXT and IMAGE column

    create table primarytable (salesid int, itemid int , sales money)

    create table secondarytable (itemid int , description text, Picture Image)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Corrected Question

    My partner informs me my wording was incorrect. The question is how to change from one form page written in ASP.NET to another form page linked to another table to input more information to the same record ID.

    Help, MS SQL only, please ? !

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