The new DLL fixes the blank problem, but has other issues, this dll does not work with an embedded grid.

Here is the code I took from your web site and it also does not work, it does not make a clickable key in the embedded grid.

Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)
Dim pop As String = "<A HREF='/site/tor/manual04/code/eg_MagicCellAdvancedDetail.aspx?Details=^0^' Target='Details' onClick=""'','Details', 'width=500, height=500, left=400, top=400, directories=no, menubar=no, toolbar=no, status=no, resizable=yes')"">^0^</A>"
Dim E63 As New Tornado.Z()
with E63
.dbUnit = 60
.dbSkin= 15
.dbMode = "Grid"
.dbGridDisplayFlds = "CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName"
.dbDSN = "Nwind.mdb"
.dbEmbeddedGridMagicCell = "(;![]^|~/+{})fi=OrderID!mac=" & pop
.dbGridMagicCell = "(;![]^|~/+{})field=CompanyName|macro=^1^<br>^4^<br>^5^, ^7^<p>^2^<br>^4^<br>^9^!field=ContactName|Macro=SQ L:SELECT OrderID,OrderDate,RequiredDate,ShippedDate from orders where customerID= '^0^'"
.dbNameMap = "field=CustomerID|alias=ID,field=CompanyName|alias =Customer,field=ContactName|alias=Orders"
.dbEmbeddedGridNameMap = "field=OrderID|alias=ID,field=OrderDate|alias=Orde red,field=RequiredDate|alias=Required,field=Shippe dDate|alias=Shipped"
.dbSQL = "SELECT CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle,Ad dress,City,Region,PostalCode, Country,Phone,Fax FROM Customers"
.dbTextHolder = "Title=Tornado Demo - Advanced Master with embedded Charting Details|subtitle=Can you image you can do this with 30 lines of code om Notepad and without knowing too much about ASP or ASP.NET?"
End With
End Sub