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Thread: New dll?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    New dll?

    I just tried to use the new May dll and none of Tornado functions work, only the html content of the pages show.

    I restored the Mar dll and everything is back to normal.

    Any clue?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I download the dll and test it againt TED [F10] sample program and only the MAP example not work because of the code change. make sure only ONE dll is in the /bin dir (do not rename and 'move' the old DLL to another dir). Tell me which example does not work int TED. On the safe sie, I'll send you the same DLL I use in testing. The following is the correct MAP example (Ted4 updated with the corrected code) ->

    <script language='vb' runat='server'>
    Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)
    Response.Write("<Center><h3>USMap by Tornado - All States are Hot Linked</h3><Center>")
    Dim M1 As New Tornado.Z()
    With M1
    .dbMapHREFMacro = "HREF='#' onClick=""'/tornado/images-net/usmap/states_info/[[State]].htm', 'Tornado_Map', 'width=500, height=500, left=20, top=20, directories=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,status=no,scr ollbars=yes,resizable=yes')"""
    End With
    End Sub


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    I found some of my pages that work, the difference with the pages that work and the one that don't is that the ones that don't have a dbstartup command. Many of my pages start with the filter, commenting that line makes the code work again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    try this code and let me know whether it works. A new switch is added to controhe display of the grid after the filter dbOptions="CloseStartUpAction=true"

    Dim Mydb As New tornado.z()
    With Mydb
    .dbQP = "Unit=2| Mode=Grid!filterstart=t| Skin=plain| DSN=Nwind| SQL=SELECT * From Orders| TextHolder=Title=Basic Grid"
    .dbFilterFlds = "0,1,2"
    .dbStartUp = "filter"
    End With


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    It works as far as displaying the search screen as the startup but unless you put in the whole field content on a numeric search it does not return any records. It seems to work OK on alpha fields.

    Putting 10272 in the order id or leaving it blank will return records, but putting "1" and using contains returns an empty record set, but putting "r" in the customer id field will return all customers with an "r" in their number.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    orderid is an integer and you cannot use "contain 1" as it is not valid. if you use "> 1" or numeric operators then it'll go. I looked at it again and see may be it is confusing that the filer assistant display "contains" "starts with" and they do nto apply to the numeric fields. So I suggest use the Notes field to inform the user or modify the assistant or use a help button to display customized instructions.


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