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Thread: PLSQL - remove row with cond

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    PLSQL - remove row with cond

    I have the following tables:

    Resident=(resident_id (PK), resident_name)

    Requiest_for_repair=(request_id (PK), Total_cost,reuest_date)

    Party_room=(resident_id (PK), start_date, Total_cost)

    Event=(Event_id (PK), category, start_date)

    Unit_for_sale_lease=(resident_id (PK), Appt_no (PK), Start_date)

    Filerequest(resident_id (FK),request_id (FK))

    Here is the requirement:

    Write a PLSQL program to remove part_room schedule, an event, request for repair, or unit for sale or lease from DB.

    In case of party room or repair schedule, provide resident_name, total_cost apply.

    Call me if you have a question, I know I am not too clear.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    remove based on what condition..

    can u reframe your question...

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