I got this problem after a running query was stop by me. When it stops, I start to have the login errors.
I checked:
- the ODBC System DSN: all the user logins were given the same error for all the databases, only the "sa" user was able to connect;
-I checked the SQL server login passwords under "Security Logins".
-The Windows domain login were OK.
-I checked the Articles about this error in the MS Technet Knowledge database: All the connections were OK and working.
I was able to put the system to work using the account system and the user "SA" in the ODBC DNSs.
But the use of email reports sent by the SQL is not available with the system account and more important, to keep the interface of the users via ACCESS to the SQL server using the SA user is not good security.
How can be fixed this problemm, to have the Windows login accepted by the SQL server?
Thank you.