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Thread: joining table on different server

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    joining table on different server


    I would like to join table1 and table2 using a select like this:

    SELECT * FROM database1.table1 INNER JOIN database2.table2 ON ...

    but database 1 is on a local server and database2 is on a remote server (with different IP address).
    Is it possible?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Cincinnati, OH
    I think you will need to bring the data from one machine to the other and store it in a temporary table. Then perform the join.

    I know it is a bit cumbersome and redundant but I do not think there is a way yet to do this in mysql.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    San Antonio, TX
    We do it here all the time. Check out sp_addlinkedserver on BOL.

    Once you have a Linked Server set up, you can query it by fully qualifying the join.

    EX: SELECT t1.CustID, t1.Company, t2.BalanceDue
    FROM vw_CustList t1
    INNER JOIN ACCTSVR01.BILLING.dbo.vw_CustBalances t2
    ON t1.CustID = t2.CustID
    WHERE t2.BalDue > 5000

    In the above example, ACCTSVR01, would be the Linked Server that you created.

    Caution, using Linked Servers can be a resource hit on your box. So, if you have a long running query you may want to DTS the data to a location on your local server then perform the Query.

    If it doesn't have to be "live" you can schedule the DTS early in the morning and work all day on a copy of last nite's data.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Cincinnati, OH
    Is this on a MySQL database?

    If so, could you explain how you set up a linked server and any other pertinent information?

    I would greatly appreciate any information you have to offer.

    Thanks in advance!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    San Antonio, TX
    Ooops... my bad.

    Wasn't paying attention to the forum I was lurking in. NO this is not for MySql. I was referring to MS SQL.

    Sorry for any confusion. I'm new here.. still groping along the walls to find my way into the right room.

    Mark Gelatt

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