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Thread: Security

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    I have used access in the past and now I have started using MySQL. I have customer table, customer order table, customer order detail table. How would I make sure that when a particular customer log-in he/she sees only the account that is set-up for them. What confused me is that MySQL has a database called mysql and a table in this database called users that is used to set a user name and password for each user. I could not figure out how a user in my case a customer that has access to a customer table could be restricted to see his/her transaction only.

    Any insight is very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Cape Town, South Africa
    You would need your application to ensure this. MySQL also allows permissions to be granted at the table and column level, but unless you had different tables, or different columns per user, which is a bad idea, you can't ensure this with MySQL permissions alone (MySQL does not yet support views).

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