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Thread: Error 625

  1. #1
    Rachel C Guest

    Error 625

    I got this error message the other day on my database:

    Error : 625, Severity : 20, State : 1
    Could not retreive row from logical page 875696 via RID because the entry in the offset table (=0) for that RID (=3) is less than or equal to 0.

    I keep trying to run DBCC Checkdb (about 6 times) and it runs for about an hour and get's this error message:

    DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Broken

    Any ideas?

    Thanks so much,

  2. #2
    B Guest

    Error 625 (reply)

    Did you read the books on line? There is a good bit of info on error 625. I can post it, but I think you should be able to find it easy. Did you identify the table?

    Rachel C at 9/23/99 11:05:17 AM

    I got this error message the other day on my database:

    Error : 625, Severity : 20, State : 1
    Could not retreive row from logical page 875696 via RID because the entry in the offset table (=0) for that RID (=3) is less than or equal to 0.

    I keep trying to run DBCC Checkdb (about 6 times) and it runs for about an hour and get's this error message:

    DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Broken

    Any ideas?

    Thanks so much,

  3. #3
    Rachel C Guest

    Error 625 (reply)

    Yes, I read the books online. How do I identify the table?

    B at 9/23/99 1:06:57 PM

    Did you read the books on line? There is a good bit of info on error 625. I can post it, but I think you should be able to find it easy. Did you identify the table?

    Rachel C at 9/23/99 11:05:17 AM

    I got this error message the other day on my database:

    Error : 625, Severity : 20, State : 1
    Could not retreive row from logical page 875696 via RID because the entry in the offset table (=0) for that RID (=3) is less than or equal to 0.

    I keep trying to run DBCC Checkdb (about 6 times) and it runs for about an hour and get's this error message:

    DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Broken

    Any ideas?

    Thanks so much,

  4. #4
    B Guest

    Error 625 (reply)

    You need associate the page with the object that is giving you the problem.
    Use the Books on Line and search for "Associating a Page with an Object". This is chapter 24. Follow the instructions here, they will walk you through finding the page. Then if this turns up to be an index page, drop the index and recreate. If a data page, you might have to restore. I have had this problem in the past where I was able to identify the table with page, and yet there was no corruption found, however, I was always able to finish DBCCs with the dead process message.

    Rachel C at 9/23/99 1:27:44 PM

    Yes, I read the books online. How do I identify the table?

  5. #5
    Rachel C Guest

    Error 625 (reply)

    Thanks so much for your help. I found the table and tried to run dbcc checktable(table-name) and I got this error:

    DB-Library: Unexpected EOF from SQL Server. General network error. Check your documentation.
    Net-Library error 10054: ConnectionCheckForData ((null)()).

    DB-Library Process Dead - Connection Broken

    Do you know how to get around that?


    B at 9/23/99 1:58:22 PM

    You need associate the page with the object that is giving you the problem.
    Use the Books on Line and search for "Associating a Page with an Object". This is chapter 24. Follow the instructions here, they will walk you through finding the page. Then if this turns up to be an index page, drop the index and recreate. If a data page, you might have to restore. I have had this problem in the past where I was able to identify the table with page, and yet there was no corruption found, however, I was always able to finish DBCCs with the dead process message.

    Rachel C at 9/23/99 1:27:44 PM

    Yes, I read the books online. How do I identify the table?

  6. #6
    B Guest

    Error 625 (reply)

    When you identified the page, was it an index or a data page?
    If it is an index, drop the index and run the dbcc checktable after to verify the table is clean, then recreate the index. If it is a data page and a restore is out of the question, try to get the data out of the table. Do a select into <newtable>, bcp, or insert into <newtable>. Drop the old table and reassign permissions and dependicies. Then re-run the DBCCs again. If good, run full dbccs and know that life is good. If it is still there, re-verify the data page. If it is the same, it might be a disk problem and worth your time to call Microsoft for additional support.
    Good Luck.

  7. #7
    Rachel C Guest

    Error 625 (reply)

    Thanks &#34;B&#34; for all your help...

    I am unable to select into another table b/c it comes up with the same EOF error. Do you think rebooting the server might help?

    B at 9/24/99 7:31:08 AM

    When you identified the page, was it an index or a data page?
    If it is an index, drop the index and run the dbcc checktable after to verify the table is clean, then recreate the index. If it is a data page and a restore is out of the question, try to get the data out of the table. Do a select into <newtable>, bcp, or insert into <newtable>. Drop the old table and reassign permissions and dependicies. Then re-run the DBCCs again. If good, run full dbccs and know that life is good. If it is still there, re-verify the data page. If it is the same, it might be a disk problem and worth your time to call Microsoft for additional support.
    Good Luck.

  8. #8
    B Guest

    Error 625 (reply)

    When you identified the page, was it an index or a data page?

    I am not sure that a reboot will help, because this seems like a data page problem. If the page information for the table is corrupt, you are going to need a restore. You could try BCP first, it could possibly get you the data. IF the BCP fails, I think that you are going to be in a much tighter corner. I am sure that unless your data is read only, you might not be able to do a db restore after this much time. You might want to call Microsoft and see if there is something they can do, but I do not know what else you can do to get it back. If just this table is read only, you could restore that table from a good known backup. Then drop this problem table and see what happens. IF that does not solve your problem, you could restore that table to a new db and just transfer the other objects to the new db. This would help you to rebuild your db in a new dat file and get rid of the bad page information.

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