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Thread: Problem with September release

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Problem with September release

    There is a difference in the way that common tables are used.

    I've simplified the code below to show the basic condition.

    What I used to be able to do with the July release was to drop down the description for the field but store the key for the description, with the current version this gives an error saying that the field being stored is not numeric. I have the feeling that in the new version is trying to store the description and not the key for the description.

    Reverting back to the July release fixed the problem.

    In the example below the tblInvestigator records look like this

    ID 1
    Name John Smith

    Id 2
    Name Bill Blane

    What I used to be able to do was have the name show in the drop down but store the ID

    This does not work anymore.

    .dbEditAddFlds = "fi=39|ty=selectbox+b|val=PIInvID|tex=PIInv"
    .dbLookUpFlds = "fi=name|key=PIInv,fi=ID|key=PIInvID"
    .dbCommonTables = "index=PIInv |sql=Select name from tblInvestigator order by name;index=PIInvID |sql=Select ID from tblInvestigator order by name"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    1. please sync with my test DLL and download the SEP 27 dll again (DotNet 1.0).

    2. Use the follwoing example code from the live demo. This gives the VALUE and TEXT index as EID and Full Name. If he following code does not illustrate the problem. Let me know or supply a NWIND sample.

    <script language='vb' runat='server'>
    Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)
    Dim Mydb As New Tornado.Z()
    With Mydb
    .dbQP = "Unit=2| Mode=Grid!sysind=t| Skin=plain| DSN=Nwind.Mdb| TextHolder=Title=Basic Edit"
    .dbSQL = "Select OrderID, CustomerID, EmployeeID, OrderDate from Orders"
    .dbBookMark = "Orders;0"
    .dbNavigationItem = "prev,next,update"
    .dbCommonTables = "index=EID,Full|sql=Select employeeid, Firstname & ' ' & Lastname from employees"
    .dbCalendar = "CalendarTitle(0)=Enter Order Date"
    .dbEditUpdateFlds = "Field=0|Type=RONOUPDATE,Field=1|Type=RONOUPDA TE, Field=2|Type=SELECTBOX| Value=EID| Text=Full, Field=3| Type=TextCalendar"
    End With
    End Sub

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Version 4.9.18 does not work, I attached a screen print of your example code. Version 3.9.27 does work with the same code.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    So you mean the same ZIP file date contains DLLs with a different date. I'll look into that as all the compile, zip and fpt upload is all automatic (took me a while to get this one as Microsoft's FTP does not work in some aspects !)

    The more important thing is that your app is working now or still need some help?

    The drop down lists has 3 more new options. Session (use DB or manual), Application (var or manual list) and Global (use commontext file) lists. The manual might not explain clear enough. I have to do a write up.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The DLL I was using was the one you e-mailed me a few weeks ago for the Tab menu problem I had. I did a Tornado info to get the version of 4.9.18.

    My app is working fine with the 9/27 release.

    Thanks for the help.

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