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Thread: Meaning ??? negative number and out of lock

  1. #1
    John Guest

    Meaning ??? negative number and out of lock


    Why is the unsed space is negative number? Whould that affect the database? How do you fix the negative number?

    If 'out of lock' happen, how do you check at what level the object was/is locked and how many locks is needed to configure?

    Thank you ahead of time

  2. #2
    Doug Mongeon Guest

    Meaning ??? negative number and out of lock (reply)

    I am assuming you are using SQL Server6.5? If so, we just ran into the same problem. It was a BAD CD-ROM....the version of SQL Server had a problem with the Enterprise manager. If you look from another server....from another will find that the size is actually as posted.....try to find a replace SQL Server CD to see if this fixes the problem.

    John at 9/28/99 10:47:53 AM


    Why is the unsed space is negative number? Whould that affect the database? How do you fix the negative number?

    If 'out of lock' happen, how do you check at what level the object was/is locked and how many locks is needed to configure?

    Thank you ahead of time

  3. #3
    Ray Miao Guest

    Meaning ??? negative number and out of lock (reply)

    Try 'sp_spaceused @updateusage=true'. If you out of lock, just increase number of locks with sp_configure.

    John at 9/28/99 10:47:53 AM


    Why is the unsed space is negative number? Whould that affect the database? How do you fix the negative number?

    If 'out of lock' happen, how do you check at what level the object was/is locked and how many locks is needed to configure?

    Thank you ahead of time

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