I need to produce a report that involves currency conversion. All Report costs need to be reported in Dollars. What I've done is create a temporary table to hold the values, which are Spend, Save and ProjSave. I then set up a cursor to pick up the actual values. I loop through the records. If the Currency is dollars I update all values, otherwise I set up another loop and pass the currency values and the loop counter to another procedure that returns the converted values, then depending on the counter value I update a single field in the Temp table, but I'm having a problem with the second loop, it's falling over and terminating the outer loop also. I've included the code below. Any help is appreciated as I'm approaching the hair pulling out stage.

Thanks in advance.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spConversionTest

--Step one: create a temp table to hold the results of your query*/
create table #DollarValues (P_ID int not null, AnnualSave float, AnnualSpend float, ProjAnnualSave float)

--step two: Populate temp table with the ID of each Project.
INSERT #DollarValues (P_ID)
FROM tblProjects AS p

Declare @lngProject int
Declare @Currency varchar(5)
Declare @dblAnnualSave float
Declare @dblAnnualSpend float
Declare @dblProjAnnualSave float
Declare @dblUSD float
Declare @dblGBP float
Declare @varDate datetime
Declare @myValue float
Declare @intCounter int

Declare curs1 Cursor
SELECT p.ProjID, p.ProjCurrency, p.ExpectedAnnualSaving, p.AnnualSpend,
FROM tblProjects AS p

OPEN curs1
FETCH NEXT FROM curs1 INTO @lngProject, @Currency, @dblAnnualSave, @dblAnnualSpend, @dblProjAnnualSave
--Start Loop
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
--Move to Next Record
FETCH NEXT FROM curs1 INTO @lngProject, @Currency, @dblAnnualSave, @dblAnnualSpend, @dblProjAnnualSave

UPDATE #DollarValues
SET AnnualSave=@dblAnnualSave, AnnualSpend=@dblAnnualSpend, ProjAnnualSave=@dblProjAnnualSave
WHERE P_ID = @lngProject

--If the Currency is Dollars append all Values to Temp Table
IF @Currency ='USD'
--Append Values to Temp Table
UPDATE #DollarValues
SET AnnualSave = @dblAnnualSave, AnnualSpend=@dblAnnualSpend, ProjAnnualSave=@dblProjAnnualSave
WHERE P_ID = @lngProject

--If the Currency is not Dollars
--**** PROBLEM AREA ****
ELSE IF @Currency !='USD'
SET @intCounter=0
--Start Loop, I'm having a problem with this loop and it sets the @@fetch_status to 0
--I need to take the cursor variables and pass them to the dbo.spConversionValue procedure

WHILE @intCounter < 3 BEGIN
DECLARE @dblConversion float
EXEC dbo.spConversionValue @dblConversion OUTPUT, @intCounter, @Currency, @dblAnnualSave, @dblAnnualSpend, @dblProjAnnualSave

--Depending on the Counter value updaet a field in the Temp Table
if @intCounter = 1 --Annual Saving
UPDATE #DollarValues SET AnnualSave = @dblConversion WHERE P_ID = @lngProject
else if @intCounter = 2 --Annual Spend
UPDATE #DollarValues SET AnnualSpend = @dblConversion WHERE P_ID = @lngProject
else if @intCounter = 3 --Projected Saving
UPDATE #DollarValues SET ProjAnnualSave = @dblConversion WHERE P_ID = @lngProject
--Increment the Counter
Set @intCounter=@intCounter+1
--**** END PROBLEM AREA ****


CLOSE curs1

select * from #DollarValues