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Thread: Calculating time elapsed btwn two datetime fields

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Southern California

    Calculating time elapsed btwn two datetime fields

    I'm trying to calculate the time elapsed (in HH:MM) between two DATETIME columns. I'm storing the result in another column with DATATYPE = TIME:

    UPDATE table SET time_elapsed = later_datetime - earlier_datetime;

    This is not working when the individual components of the DATETIME field in later_datetime (i.e. seconds, minutes, etc.) are lower than those in the earlier_datetime, as in the following example:

    later_datetime = 2003-02-04 12:39:20
    earlier_datetime = 2003-02-04 12:04:44
    time_elapsed = 00:00:00

    I think this is happening because MySQL deems the operation ilegal because the individual seconds in later_datetime (20) is less than the individual seconds in earlier_datetime (44).

    Any suggestions as to how can I correctly calculate the time elapsed (in HH:MM) between two datetime fields?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Johannesburg, South Africa

    Here is a possible solution:

    * First, create the test table with the test data:
    CREATE TABLE `test` (
      `tnow` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
      `tlater` datetime default NULL,
      `timediff` int(10) unsigned default '0'
    ) TYPE=MyISAM;
    INSERT INTO `test` (`tnow`, `tlater`, `timediff`) VALUES ('2003-07-24 05:57:52', '2003-07-24 05:59:52', NULL);
    INSERT INTO `test` (`tnow`, `tlater`, `timediff`) VALUES ('2003-07-24 05:59:15', '2003-07-24 05:58:15', NULL);
    INSERT INTO `test` (`tnow`, `tlater`, `timediff`) VALUES ('2003-07-24 05:59:00', NULL, NULL);
    INSERT INTO `test` (`tnow`, `tlater`, `timediff`) VALUES ('2003-07-24 06:00:21', '2003-07-24 06:00:21', NULL);
    INSERT INTO `test` (`tnow`, `tlater`, `timediff`) VALUES ('2003-07-24 06:01:04', '2003-07-24 06:01:06', 2);
    * Next, test:
    mysql> SELECT * FROM test;
    | tnow                | tlater              | timediff |
    | 2003-07-24 05:57:52 | 2003-07-24 05:59:52 |     NULL |
    | 2003-07-24 05:59:15 | 2003-07-24 05:58:15 |     NULL |
    | 2003-07-24 05:59:00 | NULL                |     NULL |
    | 2003-07-24 06:00:21 | 2003-07-24 06:00:21 |     NULL |
    | 2003-07-24 06:01:04 | 2003-07-24 06:01:06 |        2 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    * Now, populate the `timediff` field. First, let's see which rows qualify for an UPDATE:

    mysql> SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP( tlater ) -  UNIX_TIMESTAMP( tnow ) AS timediff FROM test WHERE timediff IS NULL AND ( tnow < tlater OR tnow = tlater );
    | timediff |
    |      120 |
    |   262800 |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    There should not be to much confusion with the logic. Only row 1 and row 4 qualify in this example. Now for the actual UPDATE command:

    mysql> UPDATE test SET timediff = ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( tlater ) -  UNIX_TIMESTAMP( tnow ) ) WHERE timediff IS NULL AND ( tnow < tlater OR tnow = tlater );
    Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.01 sec)
    Rows matched: 2  Changed: 2  Warnings: 0
    * Finally, verify the data was updated correctly:

    mysql> SELECT * FROM test;
    | tnow                | tlater              | timediff |
    | 2003-07-24 05:57:52 | 2003-07-24 05:59:52 |      120 |
    | 2003-07-24 05:59:15 | 2003-07-24 05:58:15 |     NULL |
    | 2003-07-24 05:59:00 | NULL                |     NULL |
    | 2003-07-24 06:00:21 | 2003-07-27 07:00:21 |   262800 |
    | 2003-07-24 06:01:04 | 2003-07-24 06:01:06 |        2 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    Notes : The timediff column is of type INT, and contains the number of SECONDS `tnow` and `tlater` differs. To query this field, you can use the following:

    mysql> SELECT  timediff FROM test WHERE timediff IS NOT NULL;
    | timediff |
    |      120 |
    |   262800 |
    |        2 |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    The `timediff` is of course the time difference in seconds.

    References :


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Southern California
    thanks...I used your idea and added an extra step to store the information in a time format:

    UPDATE test SET timediff = sec_to_time( ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( tlater ) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP( tnow ) ) )
    WHERE timediff IS NULL AND ( tnow < tlater OR tnow = tlater );

    thanks again.

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