I am in need of some major help. I lost a hard drive on my server last week and had it replaced. The server has raid 5 running sql 7.

For some reason it will not process my files. I keep running into an error msg and can not find any info about it.

Here is what I get:

Server: Msg 16882, Level 11, State 1, Line 0

SQL Web Assistant: Web task not found. Verify the name of the task for possible errors.

The funny thing is that I do not have any web task setup. I used to but I deleted them sometime back. I do need to mention that I did uninstall SQL 7 and reinstalled it then reattached the database.

Now, it does run into this error when my VB program (that process) the files into the DB runs certain sp's. Another issue with it is that it will skip records within a file it is processing, sometimes.

I hope there is someone out there with the answer to my headache.

thanks in advance,