I'm totally stumped with the following problem:

My sample stored procedure is as follows:

Create Procedure StoredProcedure1
@inp1 NUMERIC = 0
set nocount on
SELECT @ret = @inp1 * 2
return @ret

My ASP code to access this stored procedure is as follows:

<%@ LANGUAGE=&#34;VBSCRIPT&#34; %>
<!--#include file=&#34;ADOVBS.INC&#34;-->
Set cn = Server.CreateObject(&#34;ADODB.Connection&#34
cn.Open &#34;SysDSN&#34;, &#34;userid&#34;, &#34;pw&#34;
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject(&#34;ADODB.Command&#34
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
cmd.CommandText = &#34;StoredProcedure1&#34;
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter(&#34;RetVal&#34;, adInteger,adParamReturnValue)
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter(&#34;Param1&#34;, adInteger,adParamInput)
cmd(&#34;Param1&#34 = 22
ReturnValue = <% Response.Write cmd(0) %><P>

When I run this script, it works just fine. However, when the line:

cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter(&#34;Param1&#34;, adInteger,adParamInput)

is changed to

cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter(&#34;Param1&#34;, adNumeric,adParamInput)

an error occurs.

Can anybody help out?