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Thread: Geographic location selects

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Question Geographic location selects

    I have two needs... First, given a table with decimal LATITUDE/LONGITUDE pairs stored, I want to do a <select> into a cursor (or table) for those records within 5.0NM of a target location.

    Second, and more difficult, would be performing the <select> but looking for all records within a one-to-N-sided area (specified as decimal LAT/LONG pairs in a clockwise order with point_n extending to point_1 to close the area}.

    Can someone point me towards available library/functions that could aid us? This is in support of a non-profit nature group so want to keep cost down.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    give some sample data and the desired output, so that we can guide you in right direction.

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