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Thread: Creating a cursor with dynamic where clause

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    Creating a cursor with dynamic where clause

    Is it possible to create a cursor without knowing the contents of the where clause until runtime?

    What I'm trying to do is similar to

    cursor myCursor IS
    SELECT * FROM emp
    WHERE || p_whereclause;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    are you talking pl/sql?
    if so yes
    here is a small snippit of how i have prebuilt a sql statement (with where clause) and executed it.

    sql_stmt0 := 'SELECT decode(r.column_name,null,''NULL'',r.column_name), s.column_name '||
    ' FROM doc_columns_view r, doc_columns_view s '||
    ' WHERE r.owner (+) = :1'||
    ' AND s.owner = :2'||
    ' AND r.table_name (+) = :3'||
    ' AND substr(s.table_name,4) = substr(:4,4)'||
    ' AND r.column_name (+) = s.column_name ';

    OPEN cur1 FOR sql_stmt0 USING rowner, sowner, rtable, stable;
    FETCH cur1 INTO rcolumn,scolumn;
    ...<code here>...
    CLOSE cur1;

    hope this helps,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Thanks for your reply James.

    But in your example you know the columns that a being passed to the procedure.

    I need to have a generic where clause, meaning I don't know the number of columns or which columns will be passed to the procedure.
    In other words, a user will be passing a string that can have different columns and values.
    Here are the examples of something a user can pass.

    'commission is null'
    'empno = 4 and deptno = 10'
    'empname = 'SMITH''

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    if you don't know the columns that are valid for a query, you are really talking about free form query from the user.

    since you are not controling the query and are asking the user to build a where clause on "anything", you will, more than likely, get enormous amounts of errors.

    can you not control anything, if not, sounds like you give them access to sql/plus.

    the previous example was not intended to show you how to supply columns to the where clause, but just an example of putting in a where clause that could be dynamic and executing it through a cursor.
    Last edited by jkoopmann; 04-03-2003 at 12:34 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Actually, the user will use a front end app, which is written in VB. By selecting different drop down boxes, VB program would construct the where clause.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    then you have the columns for the where clause

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