I have created a simple Access Database and am working on 2 different data access pages. I have 2 problems on the VBScript.

1. I am trying to program a FIND button. The idea is simply that the user enters a text string into a textbox named txtSearch and upon clicking the command button named Command0, the record containing the string is found. I found a how-to on this on Microsoft's website. But when I use the script in Northwind, it works. When I use it in my database (after changing references), I get a "Microsoft Cursor Engine" error while debugging. Here is the script:

<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onclick for=Command0>
dim i

dim fld
dim FieldCount

FieldCount =MSODSC.DefaultRecordset.RecordCount

for i = 0 to FieldCount - 1
set fld = MSODSC.Recordset.fields(i)
MSODSC.DefaultRecordset.Find fld.name & " = '" txtSearch.value & "'", 0, 1, 1

if MSODSC.DefaultRecordset.EOF then
exit for
end if

set fld = nothing

What is wrong?

2. In another data access page, I'd like it to open to a new record. I added an "Add Record" button, that Access automatically programmed for me. It used JScript's try...catch statement. I took that script, changed references, and tried to use it under MSODSC's Current Event. It works only after giving me a blank Warning message that I click ok through. Why does it give me the error for the current event, but not for the OnClick event of the command button? Here's the code:

try { MSODSC.CurrentSection.DataPage.NewRecord(); }
catch (e)
{ alert (e.description);

I would appreciate any help!!! I have been researching these problems and have not been able to find the answers. I am stuck.