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Thread: Determining Space used by Filegroups

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Determining Space used by Filegroups

    Hello Experts,

    I am using SQL Server 2000 and have created two filegroups for my database.
    I want to monitor the space usage of my database, so I use the procedure sp_spaceused.
    The problem is that sp_spaceused reports space usage for the entire database. If one of my filegroups were to run out of space while there was still plenty of space in the other filegroup, sp_spaceused would probably not be able to detect that.
    Is there a way to monitor the space used per filegroup?

    Thanks in Advance,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Try this

    dbcc showfilestats( n )

    n is the fileid which you can get from
    select fileid,name from sysfiles

    Hope this helps..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Here is a query that simulates sp_spaceused, modified to group by groupid (you can look up the filegroup names in sysfilegroups):

    SUM(CASE WHEN indid < 2 THEN [rows] END) AS [rows],
    SUM(reserved) * 8 AS reserved,
    SUM(dpages) * 8 AS data,
    SUM(used - dpages) * 8 AS index_size,
    SUM(reserved - used) * 8 AS unused
    FROM sysindexes WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE sysindexes.indid IN (0, 1, 255)
    AND > 100
    AND object_name( <> 'dtproperties'
    GROUP BY groupid
    ORDER BY groupid

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