Initially, replicate user tables, these are (a) defendant tables joined by the unique field, 'vbkey', (b) reference tables, (c) description tables EXCEPT where the defendantcase.statusid field equals one of five possible statuses: i.e. statusid = 6 or 8 or 9 or 14 or 21. Once this replication occurs to the second server I only want to populate it from the first server with new vbkeys entered in defendantcase and linked to defendantcharge tables (all fields) except where the status is one of the five previously defined.
To recap: ONE SHOT: all tables except defendant tables (those having vbkey field which links defendant tables) where defendantcase.statusid field = (1 of 5 possiblities.)
ONGOING REALTIME, only defendantcaseand defendantcharge tables published to second server EXCEPT those cases were defendantcase-statusid field is equal to one of 5 possibilities.