I seem to hang mySql every time I try a variation of this query, so I must be doing something wrong...

Scenario - simplified to two tables:

Table1: THINGY

id | name
1 | aaa
2 | bbb
3 | ccc


id | thingy_id | type | value
1 | 1 | you | 500
2 | 1 | silly | 600
3 | 2 | you | 700
4 | 2 |sausage| 800
5 | 3 | silly | 900
6 | 3 |sausage| 1000

I want a query that will select *all* thingy's, and show the value of *a particular type* of their attribute, regardless of whether or not it exists (i.e. give me NULL if it doesn't).

example: get the value of "you" for each thingy


name | type | value
aaa | you | 500
bbb | you | 700
ccc | NULL | NULL

I tried this:

select t.name, a.value from THINGY as t left join ATTRIBUTE as a on (a.thingy_id = IF(a.type="you", a.id, NULL));

But that just hangs the server (overnight!)

Any ideas?


