SAp exchange connector v. 2.0
Hi !
i have problems instaling SAP exchange connector 2.0 on Exchange 2000 SP2.
My exchange organization in in mixed mode and i have 3 E2k and 2 e5.5. servers.
When i try to install SAP connector on E2k system manager i receive an error seying Error CREATING QUEUES. All the perrmisions are set ?!...
Here is the log file that sap makes:
************************************************** **************************************************
SAP Exchange Connector 2.0
Snap-In version 1.0.1
Log file from 19.02.2002 09:24:40
File name is COCUME~1alenLOCALS~1Temp1Sxc4.tmp
************************************************** **************************************************
Informations about NT environment:
Computer name: SML02
Domain name: POSLOVNO
User name: alen
Groups: Domain Admins
Exchange Admins
Actual DL
Enterprise Admins
Domain Users
Sistemski inzenirji
System DL
Schema Admins
Backup Operators
************************************************** **************************************************
Informations about Active Directory:
Forest DNS name: poslovno.local
Domain DNS name: poslovno.local
Domain short name: POSLOVNO
Is native mode: True
PDC role owner: CN=NTDS Settings,CN=SML02,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=poslovno,DC=loca l
Schema role owner: CN=NTDS Settings,CN=SML02,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=poslovno,DC=loca l
Site name: Default-First-Site-Name
User name: CN=Alen Stimec,OU=Actual,DC=poslovno,DC=local
Domain trees: poslovno.local
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Sxc files in directory C:Program FilesExchSrvrConnectSapSxc
Name Version Size Attributes Created Modified
cssearch.dll 77824 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 14.8.2001 17:22:34 14.8.2001 17:22:34
csobjpck.dll 106496 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 14.8.2001 17:15:46 14.8.2001 17:15:46
cstzmgr.dll 94208 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 14.8.2001 17:15:48 14.8.2001 17:15:48
cssvcmgr.dll 143360 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 14.8.2001 17:15:56 14.8.2001 17:15:56
sxcsvcmgr.dll 53248 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 3.9.2001 18:20:28 3.9.2001 18:20:28
sxctrace.dll 73820 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 3.9.2001 18:20:32 3.9.2001 18:20:32
sapsxcoi.dll 147456 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 3.9.2001 18:06:36 3.9.2001 18:06:36
sapsxcto.dll 262144 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 14.8.2001 17:23:50 14.8.2001 17:23:50
sapsxcmg.dll 77824 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 14.8.2001 17:19:42 14.8.2001 17:19:42
sapsxcgw.exe 643151 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 3.9.2001 18:20:56 3.9.2001 18:20:56
sapsxcin.exe 294912 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 14.8.2001 17:25:02 14.8.2001 17:25:02
sapsxcou.exe 487500 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 3.9.2001 18:21:16 3.9.2001 18:21:16
sapsxcmv.exe 98304 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 14.8.2001 17:12:44 14.8.2001 17:12:44
sxcadmin.ocx 720896 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 27.9.2001 19:57:58 27.9.2001 19:57:58
Sxc files in directory C:WINNTSystem32
Name Version Size Attributes Created Modified
librfc32.dll 6100.0.0.3272 6606910 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 22.6.2001 8:12:32 22.6.2001 8:12:32
drvadodb.dll 237568 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 17.11.2000 16:08:32 17.11.2000 16:08:32
mssnapr.dll 5.0.2150.1 731408 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 18.4.2001 18:06:18 18.4.2001 18:06:18
rpcdce4.dll 2832 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 18.4.2001 18:01:10 18.4.2001 18:01:10
Important files in directory C:WINNTSystem32
Name Version Size Attributes Created Modified
activeds.dll 5.0.2195.2778 178960 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 27.8.2001 13:39:48 4.5.2001 11:05:02
advapi32.dll 5.0.2195.2867 360208 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 7.12.1999 13:00:00 4.5.2001 11:05:02
comctl32.dll 5.81.3103.1000 550672 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 7.12.1999 13:00:00 4.5.2001 11:05:02
gdi32.dll 5.0.2195.2778 234256 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 7.12.1999 13:00:00 4.5.2001 11:05:02
mapi32.dll 6.0.5762.3 745984 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 31.10.2001 19:25:54 31.10.2001 19:25:54
mfc42.dll 6.0.8665.0 995383 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 7.12.1999 13:00:00 7.12.1999 13:00:00
mfc42u.dll 6.0.8665.0 995384 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 7.12.1999 13:00:00 7.12.1999 13:00:00
msvbvm60.dll 1388544 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 7.12.1999 13:00:00 27.5.2000
msvcp60.dll 6.0.8168.0 401462 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 17.6.1998 9:52:14 17.6.1998 9:52:14
msvcrt.dll 6.1.8924.0 290869 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 4.5.2001 11:05:02 4.5.2001 11:05:02
kernel32.dll 5.0.2195.2778 731920 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 7.12.1999 13:00:00 4.5.2001 11:05:02
netapi32.dll 5.0.2195.2808 311056 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 27.8.2001 13:39:52 4.5.2001 11:05:02
ole32.dll 5.0.2195.2887 993040 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 27.8.2001 13:39:53 4.5.2001 11:05:02
oleaut32.dll 2.40.4517.0 626960 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 7.12.1999 13:00:00 4.5.2001 11:05:02
rpcrt4.dll 5.0.2195.2832 447760 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 27.8.2001 13:39:53 4.5.2001 11:05:02
shell32.dll 5.0.3315.2902 2359056 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 27.8.2001 13:39:53 4.5.2001 11:05:02
shlwapi.dll 5.0.3315.1000 289552 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 27.8.2001 13:39:53 4.5.2001 11:05:02
user32.dll 5.0.2195.2821 402192 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 7.12.1999 13:00:00 4.5.2001 11:05:02
version.dll 5.0.2134.1 16144 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 7.12.1999 13:00:00 7.12.1999 13:00:00
wininet.dll 5.0.3315.1000 467728 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 27.8.2001 13:39:54 4.5.2001 11:05:02
ws2_32.dll 5.0.2195.2780 69392 R-H-S-A+C-D-N- 27.8.2001 13:39:54 4.5.2001 11:05:02
************************************************** **************************************************
Installing a new SAP Exchange Connector:
Installing user: POSLOVNOalen
Gateway display name: Sxc-Gateway-RTP (SML02)
RfcIn display name: Sxc-RfcIn-RTP (SML02)
RfcOut display name: Sxc-RfcOut-RTP (SML02)
Exchange server: SML02
Mailbox container: CN=Users,DC=poslovno,DC=local
Address list: CN=Default Global Address List,cn=All Global Address Lists,cn=Address Lists Container,cn=Poslovno,cn=Microsoft Exchange,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,dc=poslovno, dc=local
Current computer: SML02
Gateway service name: MSExchangeSXC_GW_01
RfcIn service name: MSExchangeSXC_RFCIN_01
RfcOut service name: MSExchangeSXC_RFCOUT_01
Mailbox container: CN=Users,DC=poslovno,DC=local
Mailbox name: SxcQueues(SML02-MSExchangeSXC_GW_01)
Mailbox SAM account: SML02-01
Connector container: LDAP://cn=Connections,cn=Koper,cn=Routing Groups,cn=Koper,cn=Administrative Groups,cn=Poslovno,cn=Microsoft Exchange,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,dc=poslovno, dc=local
Connector name: Sxc SML02 MSExchangeSXC_GW_01
Administrative group: ,cn=Koper,cn=Administrative Groups,cn=Poslovno,cn=Microsoft Exchange,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,dc=poslovno, dc=local
Home MTA: CN=Microsoft MTA,CN=SML02,CN=Servers,cn=Koper,cn=Administrative Groups,cn=Poslovno,cn=Microsoft Exchange,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,dc=poslovno, dc=local
Home MDB: CN=Mailbox Store (SML02),CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=SML02,CN=Servers,cn=K oper,cn=Administrative Groups,cn=Poslovno,cn=Microsoft Exchange,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,dc=poslovno, dc=local
Recipient policy: cn=Default Policy,cn=Recipient Policies,cn=Poslovno,cn=Microsoft Exchange,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,dc=poslovno, dc=local
Legacy Exchange DN: /o=Poslovno/ou=Koper/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=Sxc SML02 MSExchangeSXC_GW_01
Site DN: /o=Poslovno/ou=Koper
Beginning mailbox installation
Beginning installation of Gateway service
Beginning installation of RfcIn service
Beginning installation of RfcOut service
Beginning profile installation
Beginning queue installation at 19.2.2002 9:24:43
Installation of queues failed at 19.2.2002 9:24:46
1) Verify that the current user 'POSLOVNOalen' has 'Receive As' and 'Send As' permissions on the whole mailbox store 'Mailbox Store (SML02)' you have selected. By default these permissions are not granted to anybody else than the LocalSystem account ! Furthermore you should run the Cleanup Agent on the mailboxes container of this mailbox store.
2) You must wait until the mailbox 'SxcQueues(SML02-MSExchangeSXC_GW_01)' is visible in the selected address list 'Default Global Address List'. This may take some minutes or even longer depending on the replication intervals. The mailbox will be visible in this address list if you can see it in the preview of the address list's properties.
3) Check the application log on SML02 for more details. It was opened automatically.
4) Verify that the MTA on SML02 is running.
Do you want to retry the queue installation ?
User cancelled installation of queues.
Function: InstallConnector
Error code: 0x800004C7
Error 0x800004C7: User cancelled installation of queues.
Objects will be uninstalled
Removing RfcOut service
Removing RfcIn service
Removing Gateway service
Removing Profile
Removing mailbox
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