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Thread: split a string in sql

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    split a string in sql

    Hi I need a stored procedure in SQL that will split a comma separated variable passed to it
    select a name for each value and return a recordset. Any pointers greatfully received.
    First attempt is dreadfully slow as I am opening recordsets each time

    Function func_getFood()
    Dim rsfoodsql
    Dim foodoutput
    for x=1 to ubound(masterfoodarray)-2
    set rsfoodsql= objconn.execute ("select foodname from tbl"&language&"food where foodID='"& masterfoodarray(x) &"'")
    if not rsfoodsql.eof then
    if not foodoutput="" then
    response.write foodoutput&"<BR>"
    end if
    end if
    End Function

    Hope someone can help,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    You do not necessarily need a SP to speed up your function. The first bottleneck is in your VB code. You fire one query per foodID. This is causing a lot of connection overhead. If you change your function like this:

    Function func_getFood()
    Dim rsfoodsql
    Dim foodoutput
    Dim sfoodcommand
    Dim sfoodname

    sfoodcommand = "select foodname from tbl"&language&"food where foodID IN ("

    for x=1 to ubound(masterfoodarray)-2
    sfoodcommand = sfoodcommand & "'masterfoodarray(x) &"',"

    sfoodcommand = Left (sfoodcommand, Len (sfoodcommand)-1) & ")"
    set rsfoodsql= objconn.execute (sfoodcommand)
    foodoutput = ""
    While not rsfoodsql.eof
    sfoodname = rsfoodsql("foodname")
    if not sfoodname="" then
    foodoutput = foodoutput & sfoodname&"<BR>"
    end if

    response.write foodoutput

    End Function

    Actually this contains two improvements:
    1) Only one query for all criteria is fired against the DB.
    2) The Response.Write method is executed only once.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Read this article on CSV lists

    Which should help when you change your code to a procedure.

    Regardless of which method you choose, procedure or multiple argument ad-hoc sql code, I'd recommend using the getrows() ASP command instead of movenext and line by line. Getrows is much more efficient and means you can close the connection earlier, then do what you wish with your output.

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