I have a problem with the newer Tornado DLL (Oct 01 st and beyond).

I,ve been trying to get the filter to work with a "grid with system index" to retrieve associated record from an another table in Access (like example 9 in your Tornado examples). If I did not use the filter and use the whole record set, it worked well, but I can't expect my users to have the walk the whole record set to get to the record they wish to browse so I include a filter button. It filters as expected but when I select a record to view its associated record it would re-retrieve the whole record set again and show me the detail recors associated to the current record being displayed and not the filtered record set record, in other words it requeries before it select the record. This was with the 9/24 DLL.

I just downloaded the 10/1 DLL hoping that it would fix my problem, but instead it introduced new problems, the next button retrieves the next record in the main table but does not retrieve the associated records anymore, your example 9 also does not work right anymore and exibits the same problem.

Here is the code I,ve been using.

<script language="vb" runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)
Dim GD As New Tornado.Getdata()
Dim SysIndex As New Tornado.Z()
With SysIndex
.dbUnit = "7"
.dbqp = "fa=false"
.dbSkin = "bluesky"
.dbMode = "type=transposed-grid| sysindex=true"
.dbExportFlds = "0"
.dbGridDisplayFlds = "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13"
.dbfilterflds = "1,2,10,11,12,13"
.dbDSN = "expert"
.dbSQL = "Select * from witness"
.dbNavigationItem ="top,bottom,next,prev,filter"
.dbTextHolder = "Title=Expert Witness Information"
End With
Response.Write("<Center><P><table class=ts border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1><tr><td class=gh COLSPAN=2>Cases where this witness testified as an expert</td><tr>")
Dim c As Integer
Dim r As Long
Dim arr() As String = GD.Get_Fexport

Response.Write("<td class=nr align=center>" & arr(c) & "</td>")

Dim z2 As New Tornado.Z()
With z2
.dbUnit = "28"
.dbMode = "transposed-grid"
.dbDSN = "expert"
.dbPageSize = -1
.dbNavigationItem ="none"

.dbSQL = "Select * From [cases] WHERE WitnessID = " & arr(0)
End With
End Sub