
I am a Test Development Manager for Bookman Testing Services. Our company provides
vendor-independent online proficiency tests for companies looking to hire IT professionals.
The company is 12 years old and was acquired in 1998 by Knowledge Testing Enterprises,
a subsidiary of Knowledge Universe (www.knowledgeu.com), in California.

Our tests are administered by people in the HR or IT departement as part of the interview
process. The tests and test engine are sold as a package called Teckchek (see www.teckchek.com).

In addition to helping an employer evaluate an applicant's proficiency, we are also dedicated to
maintaining high standards in the IT community. To that end, each test is reviewed by a panel of
people with extensive knowledge of and practical experience with the product or in the subject area
being tested.

We have begun development of a new Sybase Programming Version 11 test and have an immediate need
for reviewers. If you are interested in this opportunity, please send me a description of your
practical experience with Sybase Programming Version 11. Please pass this mail on to colleagues who
may be interested.

Thank you for your help!

Matt Gomes
Test Development Manager
TeckCheck (Knowledge Universe)
(925) 249-0208