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Thread: HELP!! - dbSilentCmdText - HELP!!

  1. #1
    Garth Tuck Guest

    HELP!! - dbSilentCmdText - HELP!!

    When I execute the following code:

    NewNum = Incrementer("ContestID&#34

    SQL1 = "(INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES ("&Incrementer("ContestFieldID&#34&","&NewNum&",0,'NumOfShipments&#3 9;,1,1,0,0);INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES ("&Incrementer("ContestFieldID&#34&","&NewNum&",0,'AverageMarginPerS hipment',2,1,0,0);INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES ("&Incrementer("ContestFieldID&#34&","&NewNum&",0,'TotalMargin', 3,1,0,0;INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES ("&Incrementer("ContestFieldID&#34&","&NewNum&",0,'TotalMarginByFive ',4,1,0,0;"

    X.dbSilentCmdText = SQL1

    I get this error:

    Error # (Execute_Silent_Command) = 80040E14(-2147217900)
    Description = [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Syntax error.
    Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
    SQL State = 37000
    Native Error = 200

    Please help.

  2. #2
    Mark Guest

    HELP!! - dbSilentCmdText - HELP!! (reply)

    You MUST specify the delimiters. See doc at:
    So, use something like this:
    SQL1 = "(;~)INSERT INTO ..."
    Otherwise the comma gets used as a delimiter and you need to use commas INSIDE your SQL statement. So use a tilde (~) instead.

    Also, I suggest you add a statement like this, just after the SQL1= statment:

    Response.Write(&#34;SQL1=&#34; & SQL1 & &#34;<P>&#34


    Garth Tuck at 12/5/00 12:32:28 PM

    When I execute the following code:

    NewNum = Incrementer(&#34;ContestID&#34

    SQL1 = &#34;(INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES (&#34;&Incrementer(&#34;ContestFieldID&#34&&#34;,&#34;&NewNum&&#34;,0,&#39;NumOfShipments&#3 9;,1,1,0,0);INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES (&#34;&Incrementer(&#34;ContestFieldID&#34&&#34;,&#34;&NewNum&&#34;,0,&#39;AverageMarginPerS hipment&#39;,2,1,0,0);INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES (&#34;&Incrementer(&#34;ContestFieldID&#34&&#34;,&#34;&NewNum&&#34;,0,&#39;TotalMargin&#39;, 3,1,0,0;INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES (&#34;&Incrementer(&#34;ContestFieldID&#34&&#34;,&#34;&NewNum&&#34;,0,&#39;TotalMarginByFive &#39;,4,1,0,0;&#34;

    X.dbSilentCmdText = SQL1

    I get this error:

    Error # (Execute_Silent_Command) = 80040E14(-2147217900)
    Description = [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Syntax error.
    Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
    SQL State = 37000
    Native Error = 200

    Please help.

  3. #3
    Garth Tuck Guest

    HELP!! - dbSilentCmdText - HELP!! (reply)


    Thanks for you help. That worked, I also discovered some other syntax errors in my code.

    My new question is:

    What I&#39;m trying to do is create a set of related records (contestfields) in another table when a person submits a record for the display table (contests).

    I only need to execute the X.dbSilentCmdText referred to earlier when a person clicks the submit button on an &#39;ADD&#39; form.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



    Mark at 12/5/00 1:44:19 PM

    You MUST specify the delimiters. See doc at:
    So, use something like this:
    SQL1 = &#34;(;~)INSERT INTO ...&#34;
    Otherwise the comma gets used as a delimiter and you need to use commas INSIDE your SQL statement. So use a tilde (~) instead.

    Also, I suggest you add a statement like this, just after the SQL1= statment:

    Response.Write(&#34;SQL1=&#34; & SQL1 & &#34;<P>&#34


    Garth Tuck at 12/5/00 12:32:28 PM

    When I execute the following code:

    NewNum = Incrementer(&#34;ContestID&#34

    SQL1 = &#34;(INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES (&#34;&Incrementer(&#34;ContestFieldID&#34&&#34;,&#34;&NewNum&&#34;,0,&#39;NumOfShipments&#3 9;,1,1,0,0);INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES (&#34;&Incrementer(&#34;ContestFieldID&#34&&#34;,&#34;&NewNum&&#34;,0,&#39;AverageMarginPerS hipment&#39;,2,1,0,0);INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES (&#34;&Incrementer(&#34;ContestFieldID&#34&&#34;,&#34;&NewNum&&#34;,0,&#39;TotalMargin&#39;, 3,1,0,0;INSERT INTO contestfields ( contestfieldid, contestid, combofieldname, fieldname, fieldnumber, fieldtype, tablename, databaseconnect ) VALUES (&#34;&Incrementer(&#34;ContestFieldID&#34&&#34;,&#34;&NewNum&&#34;,0,&#39;TotalMarginByFive &#39;,4,1,0,0;&#34;

    X.dbSilentCmdText = SQL1

    I get this error:

    Error # (Execute_Silent_Command) = 80040E14(-2147217900)
    Description = [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Syntax error.
    Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
    SQL State = 37000
    Native Error = 200

    Please help.

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