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Thread: Treeview object with ASP-db... How to?

  1. #1
    Aivar Otsing Guest

    Treeview object with ASP-db... How to?

    Hi gurus!
    How can I write "treeview" like object with ASP-db + ASP + MS-SQL?
    Any code must be server-side and user can see only "plain" HTML.
    One row list is simple:
    My.dbSQL="SELECT DISTINCT [fieldname] FROM [tablename]" 'plus any sorting
    My.dbMagicCell = &#34;[fieldname],ALIGN=left,<A HREF=&#34;&#34;[destinationfile].asp?[variable to send]=#[fieldname]#&#34;&#34;>#[fieldname]#</A>&#34;
    (Where inside of [] are real field/table/variable names)
    This code can reside for example inside the left frame and the right frame, with filename [destinationfile].asp, shows only selected data you choose:
    My.dbSQL=&#34;SELECT [field2,field3] FROM [tablename] WHERE [fieldname] = &#39;&#34;&[variable to send]&&#34;&#39;&#34;
    OK. This works.
    But how can I build the tree... I have zero ideas &#34;where do I can go today&#34;...
    My friend writed very nice tree object with PHP + MySQL, now I am in deep shit, because my MS-SQL works at least as fast as his MySQL, but I can&#39;nt make any tree... ((

    Thanks for any comments!

    Aivar (stupid ASPidiot)

  2. #2
    Frank Kwong Guest

    Treeview object with ASP-db... How to? (reply)

    1.You have to identify the job to be done with the tree view and not just to write one becasue other people has written one.

    2. mySQL is much faster than anything becasue it has no advanced DB features like SP, Triggers, Transactions etc... However, all it has is pure speed and basics. ASP-db supports mySQL also, do DB type should not be in your equation.

    3. Form the few clues you indicated, looks like you should check out the Dynamic List features of ASP-db. Contact support to find out. If this is what you need, then this is one that your PHP friend cannot do !!!


    Aivar Otsing at 10/14/00 11:59:44 AM

    Hi gurus!
    How can I write &#34;treeview&#34; like object with ASP-db + ASP + MS-SQL?
    Any code must be server-side and user can see only &#34;plain&#34; HTML.
    One row list is simple:
    My.dbSQL=&#34;SELECT DISTINCT [fieldname] FROM [tablename]&#34; &#39;plus any sorting
    My.dbMagicCell = &#34;[fieldname],ALIGN=left,<A HREF=&#34;&#34;[destinationfile].asp?[variable to send]=#[fieldname]#&#34;&#34;>#[fieldname]#</A>&#34;
    (Where inside of [] are real field/table/variable names)
    This code can reside for example inside the left frame and the right frame, with filename [destinationfile].asp, shows only selected data you choose:
    My.dbSQL=&#34;SELECT [field2,field3] FROM [tablename] WHERE [fieldname] = &#39;&#34;&[variable to send]&&#34;&#39;&#34;
    OK. This works.
    But how can I build the tree... I have zero ideas &#34;where do I can go today&#34;...
    My friend writed very nice tree object with PHP + MySQL, now I am in deep shit, because my MS-SQL works at least as fast as his MySQL, but I can&#39;nt make any tree... ((

    Thanks for any comments!

    Aivar (stupid ASPidiot)

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