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Thread: Displaying a table to JPGs using ASPdB

  1. #1
    Joey Ayoub Guest

    Displaying a table to JPGs using ASPdB

    I am creating an online gallery for a art broker. I would greatly appreciate any help to get me started. This is a description of what I am trying to do.

    I want to use an Access database to store the information about my images (Size, Path, Name...). I don't want the actual images to be stored in the database, but rather links to them (Microsoft recommends this). I have created individual thumbnails of each larger image.

    Database name -> Pictures.mdb

    Database design:
    1) PicID autonumber
    2) PicSize text (size of pic in kb)
    3) BelongsToSet number (identifies what set the picture belongs to)
    4) PicDesc text (a bit of text describing the image)
    5) PicName text (name of the pic)
    6) PicPath ????? -> Do I make this a hyperlink? (...this
    should contain the path to the thumbnail image?)

    My picture sets are each stored in a separate folders containing both the thumbnails and full size pictures for the set.


    Set 1
    (contains image1set1.jpg...& TH_image1set1.jpg... for each picture).

    Set 2
    (contains image1set2.jpg...& TH_image1set2.jpg... for each picture).

    PROBLEM #1: I don't want to store the picture as an OLE object because I
    only want the db to contain links to the pictures and not
    the pictures themselves. What would be the "proper" way of
    setting this up?

    PROBLEM #2: I want the thumbnails to be displayed in, lets say, a 5 x 5
    matrix table. When you click on one of the thumbnails I want
    the larger picture to load into the browser.

    PROBLEM #3: I would like to create individual buttons to display each set
    so that, for example, when the button for SET3 is clicked
    a query is executed (select * from PICTURES where BelongsToSet=3)
    and all the thumbnails located in the c:webprojectimagesset3
    folder (each referenced through the PicPath field in the Access
    db) are displayed in a 5 x 5 matrix. Lastly, when each of these
    thumbnails is clicked on I want the larger image to appear in the
    browser window.

    I would really appreciate any help I can get on this... I'm sure there are
    many of you out there who are trying to accomplish a similar task with aspdb.

  2. #2
    John Guest

    Displaying a table to JPGs using ASPdB (reply)

    Hi Joey,

    ASP-db can do what you wish. You can see a live example that has many of
    the pieces of what you're looking for at: then
    click on example 50a.

    We could put one of our consultants in touch with you to help you create
    your application. Call us up at (248) 350-9177 and we can arrange this on
    either a fixed price or hourly basis.


    Joey Ayoub at 1/8/00 1:46:58 PM

    I am creating an online gallery for a art broker. I would greatly appreciate any help to get me started. This is a description of what I am trying to do.

    I want to use an Access database to store the information about my images (Size, Path, Name...). I don't want the actual images to be stored in the database, but rather links to them (Microsoft recommends this). I have created individual thumbnails of each larger image.

    Database name -> Pictures.mdb

    Database design:
    1) PicID autonumber
    2) PicSize text (size of pic in kb)
    3) BelongsToSet number (identifies what set the picture belongs to)
    4) PicDesc text (a bit of text describing the image)
    5) PicName text (name of the pic)
    6) PicPath ????? -> Do I make this a hyperlink? (...this
    should contain the path to the thumbnail image?)

    My picture sets are each stored in a separate folders containing both the thumbnails and full size pictures for the set.


    Set 1
    (contains image1set1.jpg...& TH_image1set1.jpg... for each picture).

    Set 2
    (contains image1set2.jpg...& TH_image1set2.jpg... for each picture).

    PROBLEM #1: I don't want to store the picture as an OLE object because I
    only want the db to contain links to the pictures and not
    the pictures themselves. What would be the "proper" way of
    setting this up?

    PROBLEM #2: I want the thumbnails to be displayed in, lets say, a 5 x 5
    matrix table. When you click on one of the thumbnails I want
    the larger picture to load into the browser.

    PROBLEM #3: I would like to create individual buttons to display each set
    so that, for example, when the button for SET3 is clicked
    a query is executed (select * from PICTURES where BelongsToSet=3)
    and all the thumbnails located in the c:webprojectimagesset3
    folder (each referenced through the PicPath field in the Access
    db) are displayed in a 5 x 5 matrix. Lastly, when each of these
    thumbnails is clicked on I want the larger image to appear in the
    browser window.

    I would really appreciate any help I can get on this... I'm sure there are
    many of you out there who are trying to accomplish a similar task with aspdb.

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