I would like to make my downloadable CSV filenames include dynamic information. Example, place the current date in the CSV filename.

I am doing the following:
'Turning the current date into a string:
strDateNow = CStr(FormatDateTime(Date, 2))

'Making a filename string with the date string:
strCSVFileName = "File_"+strDateNow

'Then, trying to place the string in the dbCSVName property:
'(I've tried the following methods)
X.dbCSVName = strCSVFileName&".csv"
X.dbCSVName = strCSVFileName+".csv"
(These give the filename "Default.csv&#34
X.dbCSVName = "strCSVFileName.csv"
(this gives the filename "strCVSFileName.csv" literally)
I am at a loss trying to insert this string.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
