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Thread: Send EMail after Update?

  1. #1
    Bruce Troutman Guest

    Send EMail after Update?

    I have CDONTS available on the web server and can create and send mail with it. How would you suggest to fire my ASP code after the user updates a record?

  2. #2
    John Guest

    Send EMail after Update? (reply)

    Hi Bruce,

    You can watch to see if Request("aspDBClick_unitno&#34="update"
    where "unitno" is your unit number. If that's true, then the user just
    entered the Update Screen.

    Next watch Session("SV_RecAffected_unitno&#34 to see if the record was
    successfully updated. If so, then do your email.


    Bruce Troutman at 8/20/99 10:40:19 AM

    I have CDONTS available on the web server and can create and send mail with it. How would you suggest to fire my ASP code after the user updates a record?

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