I am using ASPDB enterprise edition. The foll is the description of my problem.
I connect to the database twice and display two sets of recors retrieved from two different tables on the same page.second table has no records while the first one has.

I get the following error inspite of giving custom error message and using suppressmsg property.

Error: dbmdb, dbDSN, dbdat and dbRecordSet cannot be all blank
If i use response.clear while retrieving dealing with the second table only my custom message gets displayed
Thanks for spending your valuable time.

The code is
<%Response.buffer = true%>
<META NAME=&#34;GENERATOR&#34; Content=&#34;Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0&#34;>
<META HTTP-EQUIV=&#34;EXPIRES&#34; CONTENT=&#34;0&#34;>
<META HTTP-EQUIV=&#34;Expires&#34; CONTENT=&#34;Mon, 01 Jan 1996 01:01:01 GMT&#34;>

member_id = Request.QueryString(&#34;mem_id&#34
Set objdict = Server.CreateObject(&#34;Scripting.Dictionary&#34
Set obj = Server.CreateObject(&#34;BHPcommon.user&#34
nickname = obj.GetNickName(cstr(member_id))

<body bgcolor=&#34;#ffffff&#34; text=&#34;#000000&#34; topmargin=&#34;0&#34; leftmargin=&#34;0&#34; marginheight=&#34;0&#34; marginwidth=&#34;0&#34;>
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL=&#34;/common/include_files/reg_header.asp&#34;-->
<div align=&#34;center&#34;><center>

<table border=&#34;0&#34; width=&#34;780&#34; cellspacing=&#34;0&#34; cellpadding=&#34;0&#34;>
<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL=&#34;/common/include_files/leftpanel.asp&#34;-->
<td width=&#34;530&#34; bgcolor=&#34;#FFFFFF&#34; valign=&#34;top&#34;>
border=&#34;0&#34; width=&#34;100%&#34; cellspacing=&#34;0&#34; cellpadding=&#34;0&#34;>
<td width=&#34;50%&#34; valign=&#34;top&#34;></td>
<td width=&#34;50%&#34; valign=&#34;top&#34;></td>
<div align=&#34;left&#34;><p align=&#34;center&#34;><b>
<font face=&#34;Arial&#34; size=&#34;2&#34; color=&#34;#000000&#34;><%Response.Write ucase(nickname)%>&#39;S Exchange<br>
</font></b><font face=&#34;Arial&#34; size=&#34;2&#34;>
<div align=&#34;center&#34;><center>
<font face=&#34;Verdana&#34; size=&#34;3&#34; color=&#34;blue&#34;>
Have Items


Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.EP&#34
MyDb.dbUnit = 97
MyDb.dbDSN=Application(&#34;Connection1_Connection String&#34
MyDb.dbColor = &#34;7,auto,#ECECEC,,#ECECEC&#34;
MyDb.dbGridtabletag = &#34;border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=3&#34;
MyDb.dbGridTableTag = &#34;width=96%&#34;
MC = &#34;2,, <A HREF=have_item_title.asp?Itemid=#1#>#2#</A>;&#34;
MyDb.dbMagicCell = MC
MyDb.DbGridInc = 20
MyDb.dbOptions = &#34;HeaderFontTag=Face=Arial Size=2 Color=#F6F6F6,CellFontTag=Face=Arial Size=2&#34;
MyDb.dbNameMap = &#34;0,,bgcolor=#009999; 1,,bgcolor=#009999; 2,,bgcolor=#009999; 3,,bgcolor=#009999; 4,,bgcolor=#009999; 5,,bgcolor=#009999; 6,,bgcolor=#009999; 7,,bgcolor=#009999; 8,,bgcolor=#009999; 9,,bgcolor=#009999; 10,,bgcolor=#009999...&#34;
sq = &#34;select distinct a.member_id_n,&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; a.exchange_item_have_id_n,&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; a.item_title_t as [I Have],&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; a.item_description_t as [Description]&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; from edj.exchange_have_item a&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; where a.member_id_n = &#39;&#34; &member_id& &#34;&#39;&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; and (a.item_status_id_n = 1 or a.item_status_id_n = 2)&#34;
MyDb.dbSQL = sq
MyDb.dbStatusBar = False
MyDb.dbSuppressMsg = true
MyDb.dbGridColSortHideFlds = &#34;0,1,2,3,4,5,6&#34;
MyDb.dbGridHideFlds = &#34;0,1&#34;
Mydb.dbNavigationItem=&#34;next, prev&#34;
MyDb.dbGridHideDuprecFlds=&#34;0,1,3,4,5,6,7,8&#34 ;
RECS = MyDb.dbRecordCount

If recs <= 0 then
Response.Write(&#34;No records were found for Have Items!&#34
End If
<% if RECS < 1 then %>

<font SIZE=&#34;3&#34; COLOR=&#34;black&#34;>
No records were found for Have Items!

<% end if %>-->

<div align=&#34;center&#34;><center>
<font face=&#34;Verdana&#34; size=&#34;3&#34; color=&#34;blue&#34;>
Want Items

Set MyDb2 = Server.CreateObject(&#34;AspDB.EP&#34
MyDb2.dbUnit = 488
MyDb.dbDSN=Application(&#34;Connection1_Connection String&#34

MyDb2.dbColor = &#34;7,auto,#F6F6F6,,#F6F6F6&#34;
MyDb2.dbGridtabletag = &#34;border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=3&#34;
MyDb2.dbGridTableTag = &#34;width=96%&#34;
MC = &#34;2,, <A HREF=want_item_title.asp?Itemid=#1#>#2#</A>;&#34;
MyDb2.dbMagicCell = MC
MyDb2.DbGridInc = 20
MyDb2.dbOptions = &#34;HeaderFontTag=Face=Arial Size=2,CellFontTag=Face=Arial Size=2&#34;
MyDb2.dbNameMap = &#34;0,,bgcolor=#009999; 1,,bgcolor=#009999; 2,,bgcolor=#009999; 3,,bgcolor=#009999; 4,,bgcolor=#009999; 5,,bgcolor=#009999; 6,,bgcolor=#009999; 7,,bgcolor=#009999; 8,,bgcolor=#009999; 9,,bgcolor=#009999; 10,,bgcolor=#009999...&#34;
sq = &#34;select b.member_id_n,&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; b.exchange_item_want_id_n,&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; b.item_title_t as [I Want],&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; b.item_description_t as [Description]&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; from edj.exchange_want_item b&#34;
sq = sq & &#34; where b.member_id_n = &#39;&#34; &member_id& &#34;&#39;&#34;
MyDb2.dbSQL = sq
MyDb2.dbStatusBar = False
MyDb2.dbSuppressMsg =true
MyDb2.dbGridColSortHideFlds = &#34;0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8&#34;
MyDb2.dbGridHideFlds = &#34;0,1&#34;
Mydb2.dbNavigationItem=&#34;next, prev&#34;
RECS = MyDb2.dbRecordCount

If recs <= 0 then
Response.Write(&#34;No records were found for Want Items!&#34
End If

<% if RECS < 1 then %>

<div align=&#34;center&#34;><center>
<font face=&#34;Verdana&#34; size=&#34;3&#34; color=&#34;red&#34;>
No items available !

<% end if %>-->

<form id=form1 name=form1>
<div align=&#34;center&#34;>
<input type=&#34;button&#34; value=&#34;Back&#34; name=&#34;B1&#34; onClick=&#34;history.back()&#34;>


<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL=&#34;/common/include_files/rightpanel.asp&#34;-->
</center></div><!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL=&#34;/common/include_files/footer.asp&#34;-->