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Thread: Yes No Boolean Text in Exported Variables

  1. #1
    Ted Moore Guest

    Yes No Boolean Text in Exported Variables

    Dear Forum Members,

    ASPdbPro Prior to version 6.3027.

    I am using dbBoolText to display Yes and No for several fields. However, I had to create a custom display page using export variables (dbExportVariables) and it only shows True and False.

    I have tried changing the boolean format to Yes/No within the Access database, but this does not work either.

    Any ideas how I can export Yes/No? I have about 25 yes/no fields to work with.
    Thanks in advance - Ted

  2. #2
    Frank Kwong Guest

    Yes No Boolean Text in Exported Variables (reply)

    Try this ->

    <!-- #include File=..ASPdb.Inc -->
    <% Response.Buffer=True %>
    Set X= Server.CreateObject(&#34;ASP.DB&#34
    X.dbUnit = &#34;999&#34;
    X.dbMode = &#34;Grid&#34;
    X.dbBoolText = &#34;Yes,No,True,False&#34;
    X.dbExportFlds = &#34;Discontinued&#34;
    X.dbDSN = &#34;DSN=NWIND&#34;
    X.dbOptions = &#34;ExportMagic=True&#34;
    X.dbSQL = &#34;SELECT ProductID,Discontinued FROM Products&#34;

    Response.write(&#34;Export field: Discontinued = &#34; & session(&#34;ASPDB_999_Discontinued&#34)

    Ted Moore at 1/8/01 2:47:04 PM

    Dear Forum Members,

    ASPdbPro Prior to version 6.3027.

    I am using dbBoolText to display Yes and No for several fields. However, I had to create a custom display page using export variables (dbExportVariables) and it only shows True and False.

    I have tried changing the boolean format to Yes/No within the Access database, but this does not work either.

    Any ideas how I can export Yes/No? I have about 25 yes/no fields to work with.
    Thanks in advance - Ted

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