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Thread: Excel 2000 & odbc

  1. #1
    erik berg Guest

    Excel 2000 & odbc

    There seems to be a problem with Excel 2000 and setting up a File or System DSN. You can create an excel 2000 DSN, however both Access 2000 and SQL 7 are not able to connect to it. The wierd thing is that you can directly import/link an excel 2000 file in both databases using the excel 2000 odbc driver. If you point it to the DSN created using the same odbc driver, they both fail.

    Is there a way using aspdb to connect to an excel 2000 file without a DSN?



  2. #2
    Frank Guest

    Excel 2000 & odbc (reply)

    I assume you know how to define a range in Excel (e.g. quote66) to be used by the ADO.

    Set X= Server.CreateObject(&#34;ASPdb.Y2K&#34
    X.dbUnit = 1
    X.dbMode = &#34;Grid&#34;
    X.dbDBType = &#34;Excel&#34;
    X.dbDSN = &#34;driver={Microsoft excel Driver (*.xls)}; DriverID=790;dbq=G:ASPDB2000DataStockQuote.xls&#34 ;
    X.dbSQL = &#34;SELECT * FROM quote66&#34;


    erik berg at 4/5/00 2:19:10 PM

    There seems to be a problem with Excel 2000 and setting up a File or System DSN. You can create an excel 2000 DSN, however both Access 2000 and SQL 7 are not able to connect to it. The wierd thing is that you can directly import/link an excel 2000 file in both databases using the excel 2000 odbc driver. If you point it to the DSN created using the same odbc driver, they both fail.

    Is there a way using aspdb to connect to an excel 2000 file without a DSN?



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