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Thread: Memo fields and Oracle

  1. #1
    Steve DeFazio Guest

    Memo fields and Oracle

    We are currently using Oracle and cannot get memo fields to size in edit mode. They stricly appear as single lines. We tried size 200 and it changes all of our text fields. We are using dield type varchar2. aspdb pro version. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Paul Woods Guest

    Memo fields and Oracle (reply)


    If you are using VARCHAR2 fields, ASP-db will resize all of them according to the size200 parameter in dbEditParams. However, if you use a LONG field, you can size it with the InputSize parameter and it will only affect that field.

    A nice enhancement for ASP-db would be something along the lines of a dbEditMagicCell property where you could customize all of your input fields the way you can when displaying data.


    Steve DeFazio at 4/26/00 2:17:14 PM

    We are currently using Oracle and cannot get memo fields to size in edit mode. They stricly appear as single lines. We tried size 200 and it changes all of our text fields. We are using dield type varchar2. aspdb pro version. Any help would be appreciated.

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