Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

General error: Invalid file dsn ' C:inerpubwwwroothayes.dsn'

/niddkweb/Exceldsn.asp, line 9

I get the above error with the following code:

Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;ASPdb.EP&#34 &#39; Create the ASP-db object
MyDb.dbQuickProps = &#34;3071;;;Grid;4,auto,lightgrey&#34;
DRIVER=&#34;Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls) &#34;
&#39; Set its std properties
MyDb.dbNavigationItem = &#34;top, prev, next, bottom, filter, download&#34;
MyDB.dbDSN = &#34;FileDSN= Hayes.dsn&#34; & &#34;;DBQ=&#34; & Server.MapPath &#34;hayes1copy.xls&#34
MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;Select * FROM [hayes]&#34;
MyDb.ASPdbEP &#39; Display it!

Can anyone help me with what&#39;s wrong in this code?
Thanks in advance,