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  1. #1

    Not specified

    Mydb.dbFilterparams does'nt work!
    Here is the code. Can anyone tell me how to change the Applyfilter button to startsearch!

    <meta NAME=&#34;GENERATOR&#34; Content=&#34;Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0&#34;>

    <title>Limited Query Form</title>

    <body bgcolor=&#34;lightyellow&#34;>

    <center> <IMG align=top height=81 src=&#34;images/xxxx.gif&#34; width=497>
    <p><p><br><font color = &#34;red&#34;><font size=&#34;4&#34; face=&#34;Arial&#34; color=&#34;#b22222&#34;><i> <b><center> <strong style=&#34;COLOR: maroon&#34;> Queries by emp id </font> <p>
    <p><p><br><font size=&#34;4&#34; face=&#34;Arial&#34; color=&#34;#b22222&#34;><i><strong>Use this page to restrict your query to a single Employee.</strong></i></font><p>

    Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;ASPdb.EP&#34 &#39; Create the ASP-db object
    MyDb.dbQuickProps = &#34;2021;xx;[xx];both;4,auto;std;./images/;;11&#34; &#39; Set its std properties

    Mydb.dbFilterParams = &#34;ApplyFilterButtonText=mybutton&#34;
    MyDb.dbNavigationItem &#34;Top,bottom,next,prev,row+,bottom,Filter,color ,download,FormCol&#34;
    MyDb.dbFilterDropFlds = &#34; Emp_name,,employee, Emp_name,,,,,Distinct; emp_number,,employee, emp_number,,,,,Distinct&#34;
    MyDb.dbStartUp = &#34;filter&#34; >
    FFlds = &#34; emp_name, Emp_number&#34;

    MyDb.dbFilterFlds = FFlds

    Mydb.dbGridHideDupRecFlds = &#34;0&#34;

    &#39;Mydb.dbDebug = 4


  2. #2
    John Guest

    Not specified (reply)

    Hi Cathy,

    ASP-db Enterprise uses a more powerful version of customization that allows
    almost everything to be redefined. The property you need is dbUserLocalText.

    Go to: to see an example of customizing
    everything including the filter submit button.


    at 6/30/00 10:26:29 AM

    Mydb.dbFilterparams does&#39;nt work!
    Here is the code. Can anyone tell me how to change the Applyfilter button to startsearch!

    <meta NAME=&#34;GENERATOR&#34; Content=&#34;Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0&#34;>

    <title>Limited Query Form</title>

    <body bgcolor=&#34;lightyellow&#34;>

    <center> <IMG align=top height=81 src=&#34;images/xxxx.gif&#34; width=497>
    <p><p><br><font color = &#34;red&#34;><font size=&#34;4&#34; face=&#34;Arial&#34; color=&#34;#b22222&#34;><i> <b><center> <strong style=&#34;COLOR: maroon&#34;> Queries by emp id </font> <p>
    <p><p><br><font size=&#34;4&#34; face=&#34;Arial&#34; color=&#34;#b22222&#34;><i><strong>Use this page to restrict your query to a single Employee.</strong></i></font><p>

    Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;ASPdb.EP&#34 &#39; Create the ASP-db object
    MyDb.dbQuickProps = &#34;2021;xx;[xx];both;4,auto;std;./images/;;11&#34; &#39; Set its std properties

    Mydb.dbFilterParams = &#34;ApplyFilterButtonText=mybutton&#34;
    MyDb.dbNavigationItem &#34;Top,bottom,next,prev,row+,bottom,Filter,color ,download,FormCol&#34;
    MyDb.dbFilterDropFlds = &#34; Emp_name,,employee, Emp_name,,,,,Distinct; emp_number,,employee, emp_number,,,,,Distinct&#34;
    MyDb.dbStartUp = &#34;filter&#34; >
    FFlds = &#34; emp_name, Emp_number&#34;

    MyDb.dbFilterFlds = FFlds

    Mydb.dbGridHideDupRecFlds = &#34;0&#34;

    &#39;Mydb.dbDebug = 4


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