I've designed a global update page that contains logic to add or update from any table or page on my site. This means that data is posted to the global update page and then is redirected back to the posting page. An obvious problem is that after the redirect, the user is on the first record in the grid, not necessarily the record that was updated or added. Are there any absolute position like properties in ASP-DB grid that will allow me to navigate to a particular record?

- Particular record means that if I update record number 5 in the grid, post it to the globalupdate page and redirect back to the grid page, I want to go to record number 5, the record I just updated, not record number 1.
- These records have a unique key field.
- If the record is deleted, I can handle through code.
- Remember, I have a grid on the top of the page and the detail of that grid right below it. The ASP-db grid is generating it's own recordset through a SQL statement and the detail below is using an ADO recordset of the same table. I export the unique key using the magic cell property so when the link in the table is clicked, I use the exported value in my select statement of the detail recordset.
- So my question is basically, How do I tell ASP-db to "go to record 5" using my unique key or some other value when I load the page.
- I can easily do this in my detail recordset because it only has 1 record.
- Typically, I would do this recordset navigation using the Absolute positon in ADO.