(Using SQL 6.5 sp5a)

I granted the "Users" local group the user privilege using SQL security manager on my SQL 6.5 server and now I cannot revoke it. The problem I believe is the fact that my domain is very large (5500+ users), so the "Users" local group (which contains the "Domain Users" global group) has over 5500 entries.

When I try to revoke "Users", security manager sits there for about 20 minutes saying "Enumerating users..." then eventually it starts actually dropping users, but part of the way through it bombs out with an "access violation (0xc0000005)" error. While it is dropping users from the databases the "errors" count goes very high and the "Not Present" column goes up slowly (in fact, the "removed" column never increments). It seems like its bombing out almost all the way through the group (when the error count is about 4100 and the not present count is about 500). Tried running SQL security manager both on a Win2K Pro PC and on the SQL server itself (NT4sp6a), which is also a domain controller.

How can I revoke the user privilege from the big group?

Matt Porco
Mobius Consulting