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Thread: Add/Update displays SelectBox instead of DropDown

  1. #1
    Aivar Otsing Guest

    Add/Update displays SelectBox instead of DropDown

    My displays in add/update situations scrollable SelectBox instead of DropDown control.
    db1.dbEditDropFlds="accountmanager,,users,name ,,ADDNULL,NOBLANK,3,DISTINCT"
    (To select AccountManager for current table (named "invoice&#34 from table Users from field Name with no blank items with adding NULL value to dropdown using same connection and Distinct)
    The EditParams string looks like:
    db1.dbEditParams="TableName=invoice,BookMarkFl ds=ID,RecordScope=Single"

    The other interesting thing is if I add value NULL to my dropdown (looking still like SelectBox and select it, the exact value in table later is 4 characters - NULL, not the value NULL itself.


  2. #2
    Frank Kwong Guest

    Add/Update displays SelectBox instead of DropDown (reply)

    make up an example using Nwind or Pubs to illustarte the problem. Do it with the Designer.

    Aivar Otsing at 8/16/01 3:39:11 PM

    My displays in add/update situations scrollable SelectBox instead of DropDown control.
    db1.dbEditDropFlds="accountmanager,,users,name ,,ADDNULL,NOBLANK,3,DISTINCT"
    (To select AccountManager for current table (named "invoice&#34 from table Users from field Name with no blank items with adding NULL value to dropdown using same connection and Distinct)
    The EditParams string looks like:
    db1.dbEditParams="TableName=invoice,BookMarkFl ds=ID,RecordScope=Single"

    The other interesting thing is if I add value NULL to my dropdown (looking still like SelectBox and select it, the exact value in table later is 4 characters - NULL, not the value NULL itself.


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