I have looked through the date format messages here, but I still not found one that completely works for me. I am using an Oracle db and need the dates to appear as dd/mm/yyyy in my pages. I have set the format within magiccell (so that dates show correctly in grid) and used the EditDateFormat within dbEditParams (so that they format correctly in add/update mode).

The add/update mode dates do not seem to work correctly when entering a date that could work as either dd/mm or mm/dd. For example, if I enter 15/09/2001 (September 15th), the date saves and is retrieved fine. If I enter 01/09/2001 (September 1st), then the date gets saved backwards in the db (09-JAN-01). I can have some dates saved correctly and incorrectly on the same page.

Is there another setting that I can use to correct this?