I can't seem to trap (or find) any error objects,classes, or properities. For example, if a user submits updates a record and the stored procedure returns an error (based on business rule). It would be nice if I could keep data rules on the db and simply trap the errors, providing the user with easy to understand error text and navigation options. Thanks for any help!

I have tried using the session variable sv_recaffected_x but the error message from the store procedure stills prints to the screen, as below. I am using Raiserror in my stored procedure and would like to give the message and allow the user to continue processing.


Error # (Edit_Execute_SQL) = 80040E14(-2147217900)
Description = Chemical Name:lanatest not updated: warrenwilliamsl
Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
SQL State = 42000
Native Error = 50000