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Thread: SQL connection via Tornado

  1. #1
    jimpresley Guest

    SQL connection via Tornado

    I tried all the ways in the manual, and examples, even this one below
    I have tried making the Global.aspx file several ways (below):
    I still get this error
    "Expected &#39'"


    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object,e As EventArgs)
    Grid test page.

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=&#34;server&#34;>
    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object,e As EventArgs)
    Dim Grid1 As New Tornado.Z()
    with Grid1
    .dbQP = &#34;Unit=1|DSN=Application(&#34;IT&#34|Mode=Grid&#34;
    .dbGridDisplayFlds =&#34;ID,Serial,Cost&#34;
    .dbSQL = &#34;Select * From [Central Iowa Equipment]&#34;
    .dbTextHolder = &#34;Title=Get the damn thing working&#34;
    end with
    End Sub

    Global.aspx file

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=&#34;server&#34;>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IRM_ConnectionString&#34 = &#34;DSN=IT;DRIVER={SQL Server};UID=sa&#34;
    Application(&#34;IRM_ConnectionTimeout&#34 = 15
    Application(&#34;IRM_CommandTimeout&#34 = 30
    Application(&#34;IRM_CursorLocation&#34 = 3
    Application(&#34;IRM_RuntimeUserName&#34 = &#34;sa&#34;
    Application(&#34;IRM_RuntimePassword&#34 = &#34;&#34;
    End Sub

  2. #2
    jim presley Guest

    SQL connection via Tornado (reply)

    Ran TornadoInfo.aspx and found the following error showed up:

    The located assembly&#39;s manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

    Line 199: <add assembly = &#34;*&#34;/>

    source file: c:winntmicrosoft.netframeworkv1.0.3705Configmachin e.config

    jimpresley at 9/9/2002 2:53:47 PM

    I tried all the ways in the manual, and examples, even this one below
    I have tried making the Global.aspx file several ways (below):
    I still get this error
    &#34;Expected &#39&#39;&#34;


    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object,e As EventArgs)
    Grid test page.

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=&#34;server&#34;>
    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object,e As EventArgs)
    Dim Grid1 As New Tornado.Z()
    with Grid1
    .dbQP = &#34;Unit=1|DSN=Application(&#34;IT&#34|Mode=Grid&#34;
    .dbGridDisplayFlds =&#34;ID,Serial,Cost&#34;
    .dbSQL = &#34;Select * From [Central Iowa Equipment]&#34;
    .dbTextHolder = &#34;Title=Get the damn thing working&#34;
    end with
    End Sub

    Global.aspx file

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=&#34;server&#34;>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IRM_ConnectionString&#34 = &#34;DSN=IT;DRIVER={SQL Server};UID=sa&#34;
    Application(&#34;IRM_ConnectionTimeout&#34 = 15
    Application(&#34;IRM_CommandTimeout&#34 = 30
    Application(&#34;IRM_CursorLocation&#34 = 3
    Application(&#34;IRM_RuntimeUserName&#34 = &#34;sa&#34;
    Application(&#34;IRM_RuntimePassword&#34 = &#34;&#34;
    End Sub

  3. #3
    John Guest

    SQL connection via Tornado (reply)

    Hi Jim,

    Did you get a global.aspx file with your installation? If so, it should be syntactically correct.

    It sounds like your second post is having a problem running the tornadoinfo.aspx file? That file does not reference the global.asax file at all.

    Here&#39;s what you should do:

    1) Make sure you&#39;ve installed the whole product underneath your web server root directory

    2) Make sure you&#39;ve installed the .NET runtime, MDAC 2.7, and if running Windows 2000, service pack 2 or later.

    After that, you should be able to run the tornadoinfo.aspx and see the output that validates that everything is setup correctly.

    If not, let us know your errors and we&#39;ll try something else.

    One more thing, if this fails, try it on another server. Maybe something is installed on that machine that&#39;s preventing it from running .NET properly?


    jimpresley at 9/9/2002 2:53:47 PM

    I tried all the ways in the manual, and examples, even this one below
    I have tried making the Global.aspx file several ways (below):
    I still get this error
    &#34;Expected &#39&#39;&#34;


    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object,e As EventArgs)
    Grid test page.

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=&#34;server&#34;>
    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object,e As EventArgs)
    Dim Grid1 As New Tornado.Z()
    with Grid1
    .dbQP = &#34;Unit=1|DSN=Application(&#34;IT&#34|Mode=Grid&#34;
    .dbGridDisplayFlds =&#34;ID,Serial,Cost&#34;
    .dbSQL = &#34;Select * From [Central Iowa Equipment]&#34;
    .dbTextHolder = &#34;Title=Get the damn thing working&#34;
    end with
    End Sub

    Global.aspx file

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=&#34;server&#34;>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IRM_ConnectionString&#34 = &#34;DSN=IT;DRIVER={SQL Server};UID=sa&#34;
    Application(&#34;IRM_ConnectionTimeout&#34 = 15
    Application(&#34;IRM_CommandTimeout&#34 = 30
    Application(&#34;IRM_CursorLocation&#34 = 3
    Application(&#34;IRM_RuntimeUserName&#34 = &#34;sa&#34;
    Application(&#34;IRM_RuntimePassword&#34 = &#34;&#34;
    End Sub

  4. #4
    jimpresley Guest

    SQL connection via Tornado (reply)

    Okay, I went into NET frame config mgmt, and added Tornado.dll to the
    applications. I then ran TornadoInfo.aspx and it ran fine now.

    I still get the following:

    Expected &#39&#39;
    Sub Page_Load(Source AS Object, E AS EventArgs)

    when I run this little grid:

    <script language= &#34;VBScript&#34; RUNAT =&#34;Server&#34;>
    Sub Page_Load(Source AS Object, E AS EventArgs)
    DIM Grid1 AS New Tornado.Z()
    Grid1.dbQP = &#34;Unit=1|Mode=Grid&#34;
    Grid1.dbDSN = Application(&#34;IT&#34
    Grid1.dbSQL = &#34;SELECT ID, Serial, Cost FROM [Central Iowa Equipment]&#34;
    Grid1.dbGridDisplayflds = &#34;ID, Serial, Cost&#34;
    End Sub

    I used the shipped Global.aspx file, with just my addition on the last
    application line (Application(&#34;IT&#34 = &#34;VHACIHFPC15;IT;sa&#34:

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=server>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;NWIND&#34 = &#34;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=&#34; & Server.MapPath(&#34;/Tornado/DB/NWIND.mdb&#34
    Application(&#34;PUBS&#34 = &#34;fkw;pubs;sa;sa&#34;
    Application(&#34;Paradox&#34 = &#34;Driver={Microsoft Paradox Driver (*.db )};UserCommitSync=Yes; FIL=Paradox 5.X; driverID=538; MaxScanRows=5; DefaultDir=&#34; & Server.MapPath(&#34;/Tornado/DB&#34
    Application(&#34;Excel&#34 = &#34;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;Data Source=&#34; & Server.MapPath(&#34;/Tornado/DB/Quotes.xls&#34
    Application(&#34;Csv&#34 = &#34;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Extended Properties=Text; Data Source=&#34; & Server.MapPath(&#34;/tornado/DB&#34
    Application(&#34;IT&#34 = &#34;VHACIHFPC15;IT;sa&#34;
    End Sub

    Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Dim UserSession As ArrayList = Application(&#34;UserSession&#34
    Dim NamePassword As ArrayList = Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34
    Dim who As Integer = UserSession.IndexOf(Session.SessionID)
    Application(&#34;UserSession&#34 = UserSession
    Application(&#34;NamePassword&#34 = NamePassword
    End Sub


    jimpresley at 9/9/2002 2:53:47 PM

    I tried all the ways in the manual, and examples, even this one below
    I have tried making the Global.aspx file several ways (below):
    I still get this error
    &#34;Expected &#39&#39;&#34;


    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object,e As EventArgs)
    Grid test page.

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=&#34;server&#34;>
    Sub Page_Load(Source As Object,e As EventArgs)
    Dim Grid1 As New Tornado.Z()
    with Grid1
    .dbQP = &#34;Unit=1|DSN=Application(&#34;IT&#34|Mode=Grid&#34;
    .dbGridDisplayFlds =&#34;ID,Serial,Cost&#34;
    .dbSQL = &#34;Select * From [Central Iowa Equipment]&#34;
    .dbTextHolder = &#34;Title=Get the damn thing working&#34;
    end with
    End Sub

    Global.aspx file

    <script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=&#34;server&#34;>
    Sub Application_Start(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    Application(&#34;IRM_ConnectionString&#34 = &#34;DSN=IT;DRIVER={SQL Server};UID=sa&#34;
    Application(&#34;IRM_ConnectionTimeout&#34 = 15
    Application(&#34;IRM_CommandTimeout&#34 = 30
    Application(&#34;IRM_CursorLocation&#34 = 3
    Application(&#34;IRM_RuntimeUserName&#34 = &#34;sa&#34;
    Application(&#34;IRM_RuntimePassword&#34 = &#34;&#34;
    End Sub

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