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Thread: Setting MaxBufferSize with dbDSN and dbMDB

  1. #1
    CWS Guest

    Setting MaxBufferSize with dbDSN and dbMDB

    When someone references an access database directly (dbMDB) what value is
    set for MaxBufferSize? Can this be specified when not using dbDSN?

  2. #2
    Frank Guest

    Setting MaxBufferSize with dbDSN and dbMDB (reply)


    If you want to set params other than the one pre-programmed by dbMDB, you have to use dbDSN which is just a pass thru. It pass every thing you specified as connection string -

    Example -

    “DBQ=C:VBXimageDB.mdb; _
    DefaultDir=C:VBX; Driver={Microsoft Access _
    Driver (*.mdb)}; DriverID=25; FIL=MSACCESS; _
    ImplicitCommSync=Yes; _
    MaxBufferSize=512; MaxScanRows=8; _
    PageTimeout=5; SafeTransaction=0; _
    Threads=3; UID=admin; Pwd="


    On 2/6/99 12:34:40 PM, CWS wrote:
    > When someone references an access database directly (dbMDB) what value
    > is
    set for MaxBufferSize? Can this be specified when not using dbDSN?

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