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Thread: No Record Affected (-dbPro)

  1. #1
    Rodney Myers Guest

    No Record Affected (-dbPro)

    With ASP-dbPro, on attempting to edit a record, having made some changes and clicked update,
    the screen shows just a hard coded heading and the message "No Record Affected"
    and the grid/form (dual-horiz mode) does not show at all.


    What is going on here?

  2. #2
    Frank Guest

    No Record Affected (-dbPro) (reply)


    Check out the following and see whether it helps.


    Q3. When I tried to “add” or “update a record, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t work with various database and edit fields. What is the reason for that ?
    A. In aspDB-Pro user has a lot of control in specifying what fields to show and edit. The combination will create an invalid criteria in an addnew operation. Use the following checklist to confirm the settings –

    1. Does you edit fields include date fields? Are you using ACCESS or SQL database ? Did you set the date wrap to the correct value in dbOptions like DateWrap=’ or chr(39) for SQL databases (AutoDetect with dbDAT). Default wrap character is “#” for ACCESS. Did you set the BooleanAsBit=True in the dbEditParams property for MS-SQL database to handle the Boolean type correctly as SQL use type 11 as bit(1/0) compare to True/False (-1/0) for ACCESS.

    2. Check the “allow blank” attribute of your database. You must include all the fields which has the attribute “allow blank”=No. This is the most popular criterion that caused the addnew operation to fail. However, the same fields will function correctly in an update operation because all the required non-blank fields exist in updating a record.

    3. Check the input values of the addnew operation. Are the values of the right type. For example, a string input in a numeric field will cause a type mismatch error.

    4. Did you set the singlequote keyword in dbEditParams to value other than 2 (default). If so, aspDB-Pro would not process you input text/memo to convert all single quotes to double (original double single would be preserved). Without embedded double single quotes the input text string will be truncated and might cause unexpected results.

    5. Did you include AutoNumber/IDENTITY fields as edit fields ? You should not do that as it would create an invalid criteria. You must set dbEditUpdateROFlds to avoid the processing of ReadOnly fields.

    6. Did you include any linked fields in you edit fields that would create an invalid criteria. For example if you have a ID, name, SS and address table and this table is pointed to or linked to by other tables. If you tried to update or delete records in this table, you’ll be rejected. Again, test the SQL statement in your desktop or enterprise manager or MSQuery to confirm.

    7. Did you specify a valid bookmarkflds in dbEditParams? If this combo fields do not correspond to a unique record and you specified RecordScope keyword as “single” (default) and the result recordset contains more than one record. Transaction will be rolled back and you’ll get an error message.

    8. The sure way to test the conditions is to turn on the debug mode and capture (cut) the Edit/Filter SQL statement from the display and paste into Enterprise Manager or ACCESS Query to check the validity of your filter/Edit Criteria. You can also put this statement in the “PureASP.asp” file that comes with your package to test the SQL statement. Remember that aspDB cannot successfully execute any SQL statement unless it is valid.

    On 9/22/98 4:18:10 PM, Rodney Myers wrote:
    > With ASP-dbPro, on attempting to edit a record, having made some changes
    > and clicked update,
    the screen shows just a hard coded heading and the
    > message "No Record Affected"
    and the grid/form (dual-horiz mode) does not
    > show at all.


    What is going on here?

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