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Thread: a simple question (I hope)

  1. #1
    robert Guest

    a simple question (I hope)

    I have a SQL Server database with a varchar field. When the field is shown in AspDB&#39;s standard interface, the default is a regular textbox. I&#39;d like that particular input to actually be a <textarea> with more space for entry, the way it would be for a SQL text field, or Access memo field.

    How can I accomplish this?

  2. #2
    Frank Kwong Guest

    a simple question (I hope) (reply)

    1. you can borrow the validator&#39;s parameter to control the box type. See bugs and patches 8.21

    2. If the datatype is 200 or 202 then you can use size200 keyword in EditParams property.

    3. ASPdb.NET has this selection totally under user control.


    robert at 11/29/2001 8:42:47 AM

    I have a SQL Server database with a varchar field. When the field is shown in AspDB&#39;s standard interface, the default is a regular textbox. I&#39;d like that particular input to actually be a <textarea> with more space for entry, the way it would be for a SQL text field, or Access memo field.

    How can I accomplish this?

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