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Thread: Running filter finds HTML within a field

  1. #1
    Ralph Asbury Guest

    Running filter finds HTML within a field

    I created a blank Access database and used ASPdb to insert HTML links into a field. My problem is that when a filter is run on the field (style=simple)the filter returns results based on the HTML code as well as the text that appears in the grid.


    I have updated a field in one of the records with the following HTML:

    <A href=http://m16039/busmktsupp/_database/tariff_integration/Job%20Aid%20Sheets/Local%20Exchange%20Services/Business%20And%20Residence%20Service.doc>Bus & Res Service Classification</a>

    so that the &#39;Bus & Res Service Classification&#39; link will appear in the field when a user pulls the record.

    If a user were to type in &#39;data&#39; in the filter field, they would pull all records that had the &#39;http://m16039/busmktsupp/_database&#39; path in the URL.

    Is there any way to run the filter only on the text that appears to the user in grid mode?

  2. #2
    John Guest

    Running filter finds HTML within a field (reply)

    No, I don&#39;t think you can.

    However, there may be a solution! Change your fields to NOT have all the HTML in them, only the &#34;pure data&#34;. Then, use dbMagicCell to &#34;wrap&#34; all the HTML around that pure data. This is exactly what we do in the car database. The field for the photo contains &#34;bmwz3.jpg&#34;, but the dbMagicCell looks something like:

    X.dbMagicCell = &#34;photo,,<A HREF=&#34;&#34;cardb/images/#photo#&#34;&#34;>#carname#</A>&#34;

    This creates this kind of html:

    <A HREF=&#34;cardb/images/bmwz3.jpg&#34;>BMW Z3</A>

    Which of course gives you an underlined hyperlink &#34;BMW Z3&#34; which points to the image.

    Hope this helps!


    On 3/3/99 4:49:27 PM, Ralph Asbury wrote:
    > I created a blank Access database and used ASPdb to insert HTML links into
    > a field. My problem is that when a filter is run on the field
    > (style=simple)the filter returns results based on the HTML code as well as
    > the text that appears in the grid.


    I have updated a field in
    > one of the records with the following HTML:

    > href=http://m16039/busmktsupp/_database/tariff_integration/Job%20Aid%20Sheet
    > s/Local%20Exchange%20Services/Business%20And%20Residence%20Service.doc>Bus
    > & Res Service Classification</a>

    so that the &#39;Bus & Res Service
    > Classification&#39; link will appear in the field when a user pulls the
    > record.

    If a user were to type in &#39;data&#39; in the filter field,
    > they would pull all records that had the
    > &#39;http://m16039/busmktsupp/_database&#39; path in the URL.

    Is there
    > any way to run the filter only on the text that appears to the user in grid mode?

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