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Thread: Adding Records with foreign keys

  1. #1
    Indra Guest

    Adding Records with foreign keys

    I can get it to work with just 1 drop field in my edit form using the sample provided in the previous post.

    My problem is I have 5 drop fields in my form and the 3rd and 4th ones need pulldown with the foreign key description when adding a record.

    Can you help me to construct dbEditDropFlds, dbDisplayLookUpList and dbEditLookUpXref?

    What does (;|) means?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    John Guest

    Adding Records with foreign keys (reply)

    Hi Indra,

    The (;|) are the major & minor delimiters. This is explained in the manual. Basically, the major delimiter divides multiple parameters, or multiple field definitions, and the minor one is for individual parameters within each particular field.

    I'd suggest you start with the manual, and then work your way through the examples. We have online examples that do what you're after.

    Check out the 240+ examples at I'm sure you can find some code there that you can cut and paste into your example.

    If after all this you still need more help, we'll be there for you. You can contract us to help you write your program for a reasonable hourly fee. Just call or email ASPdb Sales (


    Indra at 3/20/2002 7:44:59 PM

    I can get it to work with just 1 drop field in my edit form using the sample provided in the previous post.

    My problem is I have 5 drop fields in my form and the 3rd and 4th ones need pulldown with the foreign key description when adding a record.

    Can you help me to construct dbEditDropFlds, dbDisplayLookUpList and dbEditLookUpXref?

    What does (;|) means?

    Thank you.

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